#投稿 来自 @hostmasterclub1

#投稿 来自 @hostmasterclub1 Virtual Private Server Offer Location - Dallas, Texas, United States CPU - Intel Xeon E3-2620 v2 @ 2.1 GHz Port - 1Gbps (fair-use) Storage - SSD Operating Systems Available - All versions of AlmaLinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Oracle, Rocky, Scientific, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu & Webuzo ISO Images Available - Windows 10 Atlas & Standard KVM VPS - $4/mo, $40/yr 4 Cores, 4GB RAM Storage  - 100GB Bandwidth - 2TB/mo IPv4 * 1, IPv6 * 1 Routed IPv6 Subnet & BGP Session upon request Pay annually and get 2 months free PLUS 2x RAM AND 2x BW, open a ticket after purchase. Order now: NAT KVM VPS - $1/yr 1 Core, 512MB RAM Storage - 20GB Bandwidth - 400GB/mo IPv4 NAT, IPv6 * 1 Routed IPv6 Subnet, BGP Session, Port Forwarding & HTTP(S) Reverse Proxy upon request Order now: Notes: BGP Session - Default Route + Customer Route Payment Methods - Paypal/Crypto/AliPay Additional $1 will be charged if you want to use Paypal



#投稿 来自 @Next_Sales

#投稿 来自 @Next_Sales Optimized Vps 七折促销! 优惠码:WIOFP4F0WUG8 地点:达拉斯 测试网址: N1.Micro CPU:1 RAM:1GB SSD Storage:10GB Bandwith:1TB/Mo Port Speend :1Gbps IPV4:1 Price(折后):14.65¥ / Mo N1.Small CPU:1 RAM:2GB SSD Storage:50GB Bandwith:2TB/Mo Port Speend :1Gbps IPV4:1 Price(折后):30¥ /Mo N1.smedium CPU:2 RAM:4GB SSD Storage:80GB Bandwith:3TB/Mo Port Speend :1Gbps IPV4:1 Price(折后):54¥ /Mo 订购链接:


#投稿 来自 @Next_Sales

#投稿 来自 @Next_Sales 农历新年独立服务器促销 Dual E5-2620 32GB RAM 1TB SSD or 500GB SSD 30TB@1Gbps 1 IPv4 $20.95 / Mo 注意事项: 我们可以为独立服务器分配IPv6 我们在独立服务器上支持BGP Sessions 因为活动原因,独立服务器开通最大需要48小时 促销产品无退款,并只提供基础支持 订购链接: 优惠码:JXGRCA3U2JE3WJU


DMIT 香港 Pro 特别计划返场+上新

DMIT 香港 Pro 特别计划返场+上新 PVM.HKG.Pro.Victoria 1 vCPU 2.0 GB RAM 40G SSD Storage 500GB Transfer 300Mbps VirtIO Interface 1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6 /64 298.88 USD/Year PVM.HKG.Pro.Lokmachau 2 vCPU 2.0 GB RAM 40G SSD Storage 600GB Transfer 300Mbps VirtIO Interface 1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6 /64 358.88 USD/Year


#投稿 匿名投稿Betavm Special Offers

#投稿 匿名投稿 Betavm Special Offers HongKong KVM VPS sHKL-512: 512MB RAM 8GB NVME SSD 1 Core CPU 1 IPv4+1 IPv6 1.5TB Bandwidth 1Gbps Port 半年付 78元/年付 148元 购买链接: sHKL-1024 1024MB RAM 15GB NVME SSD 1 Core CPU 1 IPv4+1 IPv6 3TB Bandwidth 1Gbps Port 半年付 148元/年付 289元 购买链接: 国际线路不保证大陆直连 保证Netflix等部分流媒体可用 优惠活动持续半个月(至8.3) 可观望上车。 定制流量/独享带宽 托管独服 请私聊: Telegram: @Katex13 Discord: KateX#5281 TG频道:@Betavm1 Discord群组:


Hong Kong VPS

Hong Kong VPS 香港 VPS 移动优化 广州移动 12ms US$3.00 Monthly 1 Core vCPU 0.5GB RAM 8 GB SSD Disk 500GB Bandwidth 200Mbps Network Port IPv4 /32 + IPv6 /60 Order: US$5.83 Monthly 2 Core vCPU 2.33GB RAM 11.4514 GB SSD Disk 1919.810GB Bandwidth 666Mbps Network Port IPv4 /32 + IPv6 /60 Order: Looking Glass: IPv4 Test: IPv6 Test: 2406:840:9998:20::a PayPal only US Stripe(Credit Card / Alipay / WeChat / Apple Pay / Google Pay) (Special Offers / 优惠 / 特売) Code: 'hello-world' Telegram Group: #香港VPS #香港 #VPS #移动优化 #CMI


#投稿 来自 @Next_Sales

#投稿 来自 @Next_Sales 美国独立日 VPS促销只需$0.76 / mo vCPU:1 RAM:1GB Storage:10GB Bandwidth:1TB @1Gbps Price:$0.76 * 12mo = $9.12 / Year 购买链接: 优惠码:ZXFQ6CTD7ZOXUSS Looking Glass: 通过 评价我们 您可以获得五倍流量!

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