#网友投稿 #寻人启事

#网友投稿 #寻人启事 这是我深爱的妻子。她最近因为吵架而离家出走,我无法联系到她。我希望每个人都能看到她,帮助她回家。我已经纠正了我所有的错误,并将在她的余生中爱她并照顾她。让她幸福快乐,直到老年。谢谢大家的帮助 好心人一生平安。 This is my beloved wife. She recently ran away from home due to an argument, and I am unable to contact her. I hope everyone can see her and help her go home. I have corrected all my mistakes and will love and take care of her for the rest of her life. Let her be happy and joyful until old age. Thank you all for your help Kind hearted people live a peaceful life



#网友投稿 #寻人启事

#网友投稿 #寻人启事 这是我深爱的妻子。她最近因为吵架而离家出走,我无法联系到她。我希望每个人都能看到她,帮助她回家。我已经纠正了我所有的错误,并将在她的余生中爱她并照顾她。让她幸福快乐,直到老年。谢谢大家的帮助 好心人一生平安。 This is my beloved wife. She recently ran away from home due to an argument, and I am unable to contact her. I hope everyone can see her and help her go home. I have corrected all my mistakes and will love and take care of her for the rest of her life. Let her be happy and joyful until old age. Thank you all for your help Kind hearted people live a peaceful life


#网友投稿 #寻人启事

#网友投稿 #寻人启事 这是我深爱的妻子。她最近因为吵架而离家出走,我无法联系到她。我希望每个人都能看到她,帮助她回家。我已经纠正了我所有的错误,并将在她的余生中爱她并照顾她。让她幸福快乐,直到老年。谢谢大家的帮助 好心人一生平安。 This is my beloved wife. She recently ran away from home due to an argument, and I am unable to contact her. I hope everyone can see her and help her go home. I have corrected all my mistakes and will love and take care of her for the rest of her life. Let her be happy and joyful until old age. Thank you all for your help Kind hearted people live a peaceful life


#小菲投稿 #寻人启事

#小菲投稿 #寻人启事 Can you Help me to Find My chinese boyfriend Because im 6months pregnant He didn’t support me since I’m pregnant Because I’m asking to his friends and coworkers they told me that he leave his work and they are not together so I don’t know where to find him now his obligation to me he ignore it When I got pregnant my first trimester is okay he gave me money for my check up then we go together to the doctor then suddenly everything has changed a little fight since April he blocked me all my social media accounts I tell his friend where is he now and they told me his not here in this company so i know my boyfriend told them not to tell me where is he. 翻译:你能帮我找到我的中国男朋友吗?因为我怀孕六个月了,他不支持我 因为我问了他的朋友和同事,他们告诉我他离开了工作,他们不在一起,所以我不知道现在去哪里找他,他对我的义务他却置之不理 当我怀孕时,我的头三个月一切正常,他给了我钱让我去做检查,然后我们一起去看医生,然后突然一切都变了,自四月份以来发生了一点小争吵,他屏蔽了我所有的社交媒体账户,我告诉他的朋友他现在在哪里,他们告诉我他不在这家公司,所以我知道我的男朋友告诉他们不要告诉我他在哪里。 订阅孟玺-东南亚悬赏通缉令  t.me/+09NFw7J8Id83ODEx 欢迎投稿爆料: @Mengxi


#小菲投稿 #寻人启事

#小菲投稿 #寻人启事 Can you Help me to Find My chinese boyfriend Because im 6months pregnant He didn’t support me since I’m pregnant Because I’m asking to his friends and coworkers they told me that he leave his work and they are not together so I don’t know where to find him now his obligation to me he ignore it When I got pregnant my first trimester is okay he gave me money for my check up then we go together to the doctor then suddenly everything has changed a little fight since April he blocked me all my social media accounts I tell his friend where is he now and they told me his not here in this company so i know my boyfriend told them not to tell me where is he. 翻译:你能帮我找到我的中国男朋友吗?因为我怀孕六个月了,他不支持我 因为我问了他的朋友和同事,他们告诉我他离开了工作,他们不在一起,所以我不知道现在去哪里找他,他对我的义务他却置之不理 当我怀孕时,我的头三个月一切正常,他给了我钱让我去做检查,然后我们一起去看医生,然后突然一切都变了,自四月份以来发生了一点小争吵,他屏蔽了我所有的社交媒体账户,我告诉他的朋友他现在在哪里,他们告诉我他不在这家公司,所以我知道我的男朋友告诉他们不要告诉我他在哪里。 广告赞助 中菲速递  菲律宾 信誉之最物流 中菲海运空运 布偶猫舍 种猫均为赛级布偶,纯散养家庭在菲猫舍   AG全岗位直招 白产9G 办理医保社保税卡 双休+菲假等 免费投稿/曝光/澄清  @FChengph 今日新闻频道 @cctvPH


#小菲投稿 #寻人启事

#小菲投稿 #寻人启事 Can you Help me to Find My chinese boyfriend Because im 6months pregnant He didn’t support me since I’m pregnant Because I’m asking to his friends and coworkers they told me that he leave his work and they are not together so I don’t know where to find him now his obligation to me he ignore it When I got pregnant my first trimester is okay he gave me money for my check up then we go together to the doctor then suddenly everything has changed a little fight since April he blocked me all my social media accounts I tell his friend where is he now and they told me his not here in this company so i know my boyfriend told them not to tell me where is he. 翻译:你能帮我找到我的中国男朋友吗?因为我怀孕六个月了,他不支持我 因为我问了他的朋友和同事,他们告诉我他离开了工作,他们不在一起,所以我不知道现在去哪里找他,他对我的义务他却置之不理 当我怀孕时,我的头三个月一切正常,他给了我钱让我去做检查,然后我们一起去看医生,然后突然一切都变了,自四月份以来发生了一点小争吵,他屏蔽了我所有的社交媒体账户,我告诉他的朋友他现在在哪里,他们告诉我他不在这家公司,所以我知道我的男朋友告诉他们不要告诉我他在哪里。 频道合作赞助方 8⃣博彩巨擘斥资1亿美元全资收购KK国际 点击订阅今日聚焦曝光频道   t.me/+ajf9Ctn9TapiMTI1 投稿爆料:@jx586


#越南网友投稿 #寻人启事

#越南网友投稿 #寻人启事 Dạ xin ad cho em đăng tìm em gái em với ạ, bé nó đi biên từ sihanoukvề mb bằng xe này về sau đó cách mb 20-30p thì nhà xe xoá tele em cũng không liên lạc được với em gái em nữa , mng có ai thấy cv bé hay là thấy bé ở đâu báo cho em biết với ạ @be5ke 管理员,请让我发帖去找我妹妹。她从西哈努克坐这趟巴士到mb,从mb出发20-30分钟后,巴士公司删除了她的电报,我再也联系不到她了,mng。有人看过她的简历或她在哪里,请告诉我 点击订阅东南亚全网曝光频道   投稿爆料:@dx5898

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