Twitter Api V2 更新超级关注功能,此功能正在逐步开放使用。
Twitter Api V2 更新超级关注功能,此功能正在逐步开放使用。 Super Follows functionality We’ve added the ability to share Tweets to Super Followers via the API, so you can build solutions that help people earn monthly revenue from their Twitter content. Super Follows is an opportunity to earn monthly revenue by sharing subscriber-only content with your most engaged followers on Twitter. Through Super Follows 12, creators like you can offer your most engaged followers an extra level of access and bonus content. As Super Follows is available to a limited number of creators at this point, the audience for this API functionality is inherently limited today. However, as Super Follows scales, and more creators can monetize their Tweets, we want you to be prepared with the API functionality you need to build innovative and valuable solutions for creators on Twitter.

🔍 发送关键词来寻找群组、频道或视频。