1928 运 #奥海城商场内有市民大叫「stand with Hong Kong , fight for freedom」#蛋蛋




毋忘初心。抗争之路Fight for freedom. Stand with HK: Hong Kong Way

毋忘初心。抗争之路 Fight for freedom. Stand with HK: Hong Kong Way Date: Sep 10, 2022 (SAT) #中秋节 #MidAutumnFestival Time: 1630-1730 Location: Burrard Bridge 自2019年,过万港人因社运被捕,未审先囚情况十分严重,很多墙内手足失去自由,无法与亲友团聚。是次 #人链 行动希望可以凝聚 #温哥华 港人,唤起世界持续关注香港状况。 Since 2019, thousands of Hong Kong protestors have been arrested, jailed, and placed on indefinite pre-trial detention. Many lost their freedom and are forced to separate from their loved ones. This human chain event aims to unite Hong Kongers and allies in #Vancouver to raise the awareness of the world towards the deteriorating political situation in Hong Kong. #Canada #外国港人势力 Source: IG @vanactivistshk


Inside Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom | Faceless | The Short List

Inside Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom | Faceless | The Short List Full film: // Admin私心推介,全长2小时27分钟,不逊于其他得奖的反送中纪录片,希望你能够抽时间观赏。// Faceless is an intimate portrayal of four young protestors in Hong Kong struggling to protect their freedom and way of life under the shadow of authoritarianism. Following characters simply known as the Daughter, the Believer, the Student and the Artist, the film documents the stories of the individuals whose lives are upended as protests against a controversial extradition bill engulf Hong Kong. #没有从天而降的英雄 #只有挺身而出的凡人 #反送中 #纪录片 #FightForFreedom #Faceless #理大围城 #前线 #勇武 #中大保卫战 #Teargas #五大诉求 #警暴 #光复香港时代革命 #没有暴徒只有暴政


Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47

Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47 The "Hong Kong 47" are in urgent need of our support. Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed and cannot speak up in Hong Kong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom, we should stand out and speak for them. We need to stand up for their rights and show the world the unfairness of the Hong Kong government and the CCP. So we urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial. Full Version: #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #在英港人 #外国港人势力


Today in the @nytimes, Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong have f

Today in the @nytimes, Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong have focused on the women and girls jailed without trial under the #NationalSecurityLaw. Keeping the spotlight on Beijing's abuse of the law. By twitter @thecfhk #初选无罪 #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #毋忘手足 #在囚手足 #冤狱


7 UK cities joined the “Stand with Hong Kong 47”

7 UK cities joined the “Stand with Hong Kong 47” 英国七个城市默站抗议香港47人案 全球十多个香港人组织联合举办默站活动,包括英国九个城市,旨在唤起公众对「香港47民主派不公平审讯」的关注。昨日4月15日,英国七个城市,包括列斯、曼彻斯特、诺定咸、雷丁、萨顿、碧仙桃和爱丁堡完成了默站抗议。抗议者戴上白色面具,传达「任何人都可以成为香港47」的重要信息,表达团结。 Over a dozen Hongkonger diaspora organisations across the world have come together to organise silent protests in various cities, including 9 cities in the UK, to raise awareness of the "Hong Kong 47 Democrats Unfair Trial". On April 15, 7 cities in the UK, including Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham, Reading, Sutton, Bristol, and Edinburgh, completed their silent protests. The protesters wore white masks to convey the important message that "anyone can be Hong Kong 47" and to demonstrate their unity. #StandwithHongKong47 #Reading #UK #savehk47 #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #初选无罪 #释放政治犯 #海外活动 #外国港人势力 #默站 Source: @readingukstandswithhk


香港新闻自由完了!Hong Kong Press Freedom is ended!

香港新闻自由完了! Hong Kong Press Freedom is ended! Designer IG @hipstercreamy #立场新闻 #新闻自由 #好伤心好痛 #不要让真相消失 #串谋发布煽动刊物罪 #欲加之罪 #新闻自由无价 #守护真相

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