Russian soldier walks through the fields near Avdiivka

Russian soldier walks through the fields near Avdiivka There are Russian bodies every 15 m & the place is full of blown-up Russian tanks The soldier says: “of the 4000 in the brigade, only 30% remain. There’s a pile of corpses ahead, our special forces” 俄罗斯士兵走过阿夫季夫卡附近的田野 每隔15m就有一具俄罗斯尸体,而且到处都是炸毁的俄罗斯坦克 士兵说: 「全旅4000人中,只剩下30%了。前面有一堆尸体,我们的特种部队」 #俄乌战争 吃瓜俱乐部 @ChiGuaClub



Footage of the failed assault of the invaders near Terny, as a r

Footage of the failed assault of the invaders near Terny, as a result of which the russians lost 11 units of equipment, and soldiers of the Azov Brigade evacuated an enemy tank. Intelligence spotted a russian armored group. It was moving towards the positions of the Defense Forces in the Kreminna direction. Soldiers of the Azov Brigade and the 95th Air Assault Brigade defeated the enemy column. The crews of enemy vehicles fled, abandoning their equipment. Later, Azov fighters pulled the damaged russian tank from the battlefield. 入侵者在特尔尼附近进攻失败的镜头,俄罗斯人损失了 11 套装备,亚速旅的士兵撤离了一辆敌方坦克。 情报发现了一个俄罗斯装甲部队。它正在向克雷明纳方向的国防军阵地移动。 亚速旅和第95空中突击旅的士兵击败了敌军纵队。敌方车辆的乘员抛弃装备逃跑。 随后,亚速战士将受损的俄罗斯坦克从战场上拉了出来。 #俄乌战争 吃瓜俱乐部 @ChiGuaClub


BREAKING:Ukrainian HIMARS strike kills 65+ Russian soldiers.

BREAKING: Ukrainian HIMARS strike kills 65+ Russian soldiers. A Russian training ground near Trudivske (Donetsk region) was hit. A commander ordered them to line up despite being not too far from the frontlines. Furious outcry on Russian social media… 最新消息: 乌克兰 HIMARS 袭击造成 65 多名俄罗斯士兵死亡。 特鲁迪夫斯克(顿内茨克地区)附近的俄罗斯训练场遭到攻击。 尽管距离前线不远,一名指挥官还是命令他们列队。俄罗斯社群媒体上引发强烈抗议… #俄乌战争 吃瓜俱乐部 @ChiGuaClub


Russian M-777 kills Ukrainian Soldier

Russian M-777 kills Ukrainian Soldier 推荐频道 @wxcnb_vip @fanchabbbb @baocaosaohuo @lieqibb @shuiguopai_vip


Ukrainian soldiers destroy Russian Lancet kamikaze UAV with smal

Ukrainian soldiers destroy Russian Lancet kamikaze UAV with small arms.‌‌ 翻译: en-zh 乌克兰士兵用小型武器摧毁俄罗斯柳叶刀神风敢死队无人机。‌‌


Avdiivka 面临包围威胁,- 图片报

Avdiivka 面临包围威胁,- 图片报 ▪BILD军事专家Julian Röpke报道称,俄罗斯部队已向该市以北的铁路线推进,并占领了一片一公里宽的地带。结果,阿夫杰耶夫卡乌克兰武装部队的补给走廊宽度从 9 公里减少到 7 公里,这使得向该市运送一切必需品变得更加复杂。 “俄罗斯军队希望在工厂站稳脚跟,并利用这个桥头堡进入城市。如果俄罗斯人成功,那么阿夫杰耶夫卡南部的民用部分实际上将被包围,”罗普克说。 ▪军事专家表示,与巴赫穆特的情况一样,俄罗斯正试图将乌克兰武装部队包围在该市,从而彻底切断所有补给路线。如果成功,那么我们就可以宣告乌克兰反攻的结束。


The russian T-80 tank disintegrates into molecules after being h

The russian T-80 tank disintegrates into molecules after being hit by an FPV drone. Kharkiv region. The Peaky Blinders are working. 俄罗斯T-80坦克被FPV无人机击中后分解成分子。哈尔科夫地区。浴血黑帮正在工作。 #俄乌战争 吃瓜俱乐部 @ChiGuaClub

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