Russian soldier walks through the fields near Avdiivka
Russian soldier walks through the fields near Avdiivka There are Russian bodies every 15 m & the place is full of blown-up Russian tanks The soldier says: “of the 4000 in the brigade, only 30% remain. There’s a pile of corpses ahead, our special forces” 俄罗斯士兵走过阿夫季夫卡附近的田野 每隔15m就有一具俄罗斯尸体,而且到处都是炸毁的俄罗斯坦克 士兵说: 「全旅4000人中,只剩下30%了。前面有一堆尸体,我们的特种部队」 #俄乌战争 吃瓜俱乐部 @ChiGuaClub

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