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此全球联合行动由7个国家共163个城市共同发起。 This global joint campaign involves 163 associated cities from 7 countries across the globe. #姊妹城市 协议原意旨在促进两国之间的经济合作和文化交流。然而,这种外交策略现在却沦为中共 #外交渗透 的工具。 The establishment of the “sister city” agreement was supposed to be a diplomatic strategy to foster economic engagement and cultural exchange between two nations. However, this diplomatic strategy is becoming a manipulative tool for the Chinese Communist Party regime to expand the influence of its dictatorship around the world. 因应2020年多个瑞典城市与中国脱离「姊妹城市」关系,全球多个抗争组织现 #联合发表声明 促请各地市政府重新审视他们与独裁政权的密切关系,反对与漠视人权、自由和民主的的中共建交,并透过终止与中国的「姊妹城市」关系来 #捍卫人权 和遏止其渗透。 Following the de-twinning of Swedish cities from China in 2020, Hong Kong activist groups around the globe hereby make a joint statement, prompting the local authorities to cut ties with this totalitarian regime that neglects the value of human rights, freedom and democracy by terminating the twin city relationship with China. #sistercity #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP


《The Art of Psychological Warfare: Discover How to Defend Yourse

《The Art of Psychological Warfare: Discover How to Defend Yourself from Manipulation and Learn Dark Techniques to Mislead, Intimidate, Demoralise and Influence ... the Thinking or Behaviour of Your Enemies》


With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad D

With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad Dog Daily two pro-democracy news outlets were forced to cease operations out of concern for the safety of their staff. What does this mean for Hong Kong? It means those publications who are not willing to simply become mouthpieces for the Hong Kong government and Chinese Communist Party will be forced to self-censor and perpetuate the harmful, false narrative that this regime continues to force on the Hong Kong people and readers across the globe. Full article: #standwithstandnews #freedomofspeech #新闻自由⁣ #守护真相 #众新闻⁣ #立场新闻 #苹果日报 #AppleDaily #StandNews⁣ #不要让真相消失


木乃伊复活 (蓝光原盘 REMUX封装)(内嵌中字)(2014)

木乃伊复活 (蓝光原盘 REMUX封装)(内嵌中字)(2014) 描述:A team of archaeologists discover an ancient mummy, unleashing a deadly curse from its eternal tomb. 链接: 大小:14g 标签:#恐怖 来自:雷锋 频道:@Aliyundrive_Share_Channel 群组:@alyd_g 投稿:@AliYunPanBot

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