by Наш from my name is…




by Няш from my name is…


SFWby Няш from my name is…


SFWby Наш from my name is…


My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive…From



071 - SAY MY NAME by: whatis212212 Daily Ranking 每日排行榜 -> @Iwara0 #whatis212212 #hmv #honey_select #mikumikudance


Hope this email finds you well. My name (Your Name)and am writin

Hope this email finds you well. My name (Your Name)and am writing to appeal for the removal of the ban on my Chat GPT account (username Your Username)I believe that my account has been mistakenly flagged and banned due to suspicious activities which suspect were the result of unauthorized access and misuse. I recently discovered that my account was compromised and I have reason to believe that it was accessed and misused by someone else without my knowledge or consent. I deeply regret any inconvenience or disruption this may have caused to the Chat GPT community and would like to assure you that I had no part in the activities that led to the ban. To resolve this issue and restore my account have already taken the necessary steps to secure my account by changing my password and enabling two-factor authentication. Kindly request that you investigate my account to verify my claims and consider lifting the ban. I have always valued and respected the Chat GPT community guidelines and have strived to maintain appositive and constructive presence I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all users and sincerely apologize for any trouble this situation may have caused. Please let me know if there is any additional information or action reared from my end to facilitate the investigation and resolution of this issue am more than willing to cooperate with any further inquiries you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration. I eagerly await your response and hope that my account can be reinstated as soon as possible. Best regards. 第二步:等待官方回复 一般回复都是IP在亚洲区域登陆,因此被封号,这时候要及时回复官方邮件。 之后如果活动轨迹是在香港啊之类的,我们就开始第三步。 第三步:给官方回复邮件 让你确认你的活动轨迹,明确告诉官方,未曾使用过香港IP,不知道为什么会被检测到,请官方明鉴并给予解封。 一次交涉需要多次发送请求,可以用ChatGPT帮你生成3封解封邮件,分时多次投递给官方邮箱,情节不严重的一般3次就可以顺利解封,邮件参考内容如下: 中文版: 主题:我从未使用过香港的IP地址,请官方给予解封 尊敬的客服: 我发现我的Chat GPT账户被封了,但是我向您保证,我从未使用过香港的IP地址。我非常确定我未曾使用过该地区的IP地址,并且我一直遵守着Chat GPT的规定和要求。我非常重视我的账户和与Chat GPT的合作,因此我希望能够得到官方的支持和帮助,以解决这个问题。 我需要官方对账户封禁的原因进行明确说明,同时也希望能够尽快解封我的账户。我相信,这个问题是可以通过有效的沟通和合作来解决的。 谢谢您的耐心阅读,期待您的回复。 此致敬礼 英文版: [你的邮箱] I have never used an IP address from Hong Kong. Please unblock my account as soon as possible Respected Customer Service I have discovered that my Chat GPT account has been blocked but I assure you that I have never used an IP address from Hong Kong. Am positive that I have never used an IP address from that region. and have always followed the rules and requirements of Chaptalize my account and the partnership with Chat GPT and I hope to receive your support and assistance in resolving this issue. I need an explanation from the company as to why my account has been blocked and I also hope that my account can be unblocked as soon as possible I believe that this issue can be resolved through effective communication and cooperation Thank you for your time and attention to this matter look forward to hearing back from you soon Sincerely. [Your Email] 二次交涉需要多次发送请求,可以用ChatGPT帮你生成3封解封邮件,分时多次投递给官方邮箱,情节不严重的一般3次就可以顺利解封。 友情提醒: 买的ChatGPT账户,买来后自己改ChatGPT账户和注册邮箱账户(一般是微软账户)的密码、个人资料等,稳得很。还有,现在买的账户一般都带着API,要记得去OpenAI API网站把原先的API删掉,生成一个自己的API,不然就容易被封。

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