[ENGLISH ONLY] GoogleHosts

https://github.com/googlehosts/hos GoogleHos official group for non-Chinese speakers Rules: No ADs, promotions or NSFW conten. Please use English as much as possible.



GoogleHosts 广播频道

Non-Chinese speakers please join @googlehosts_news @googlehos 广播频道 https://github.com/googlehos/hos


PixelExperience - Official chat

Welcome to PixelExperience official chat Group rules ? Type /rules Website: get.pixelexperience.org Twitter: twitter.com/PixelExpRom Github: github.com/PixelExperience Gerrit: gerrit.pixelexperience.org News: t.me/PixelExperience


Telegram Bots

Discussion about https://github.com/rubenlagus/TelegramBots. Please stay on topic. ONLY ENGLISH


Telegram API Update. Thank you for contributing to the open Tele

Telegram API Update. Thank you for contributing to the open Telegram ecosystem by developing your app, MTProto Bot. Please note that due to recent updates to Telegram's handling of SMS and the integration of new SMS providers like Firebase, we are changing the way login codes are handled in third-party apps based on the Telegram API. Starting on 18.02.2023, users logging into third-party apps will only be able to receive login codes via Telegram. It will no longer be possible to request an SMS to log into your app – just like when logging into Telegram's own desktop and web clients. Exactly like with the Telegram Desktop and Web apps, if a user doesn’t have a Telegram account yet, they will need to create one first using an official mobile Telegram app. We kindly ask you to update your app’s login and signup interfaces to reflect these changes before they go live on 18.02.2023 at 13:00 UTC. This change will not significantly affect users since, according to our research, the vast majority of third-party app users also use official Telegram apps. In the coming months, we expect to offer new tools for third-party developers that will help streamline the login process.


Telegram API Update. Hello Aditya . Thank you for contributing t

Telegram API Update. Hello Aditya . Thank you for contributing to the open Telegram ecosystem by developing your app, UserBot. Please note that due to recent updates to Telegram's handling of SMS and the integration of new SMS providers like Firebase, we are changing the way login codes are handled in third-party apps based on the Telegram API. Starting on 18.02.2023, users logging into third-party apps will only be able to receive login codes via Telegram. It will no longer be possible to request an SMS to log into your app – just like when logging into Telegram's own desktop and web clients. Exactly like with the Telegram Desktop and Web apps, if a user doesn’t have a Telegram account yet, they will need to create one first using an official mobile Telegram app. We kindly ask you to update your app’s login and signup interfaces to reflect these changes before they go live on 18.02.2023 at 13:00 UTC. This change will not significantly affect users since, according to our research, the vast majority of third-party app users also use official Telegram apps. In the coming months, we expect to offer new tools for third-party developers that will help streamline the login process.



一些新人的疑难解答 前言: Written for non-Chinese people: This channel are mainly Chinese, please respect Chinese culture, and Anti-China statements are prohibited. If you dont understand Chinese, you can press right mouse button on the message and click the button "translation" If you are using the phone, you can click on this message and click the button "translation" My English is not good, if there is a mistake, I'm sorry. 给中国人写的:如果你无法理解外语,因为此频道为全球性频道,请尊重各国文化。你可以右键此消息点击翻译,如果是手机端点击消息并点击翻译按钮即可。(请在设置→语言→无需翻译关掉英文,仅留下中文) 请不要在置顶的MOD发布子频道发布无关MOD文件的信息,包括但不限于MOD怎么使用、这个MOD坏了怎么办,如果实在想要回复/闲谈,请转原神mod/闲聊区。 1.如何使用原神mod? 文字版:https://t.me/gshmod/114638/121534 视频版:https://t.me/gshmod/114638/122393 需要使用的文件:https://t.me/gshmod/114638/122244?single (请注意,在原神更新的同时,或者原作者心血来潮的时候,这些将需要更新,建议使用必应/谷歌一个一个搜索相应词条然后在github下载所需资源。) 2.没有电脑,可以用手机玩mod吗? 只有可以装载windows系统的设备才可以使用原神mod。 但是你可以使用串流/远程控制/云电脑/手机装载windows系统的办法。例如使用"Todesk"控制另一台装有windows系统、原神mod相关文件、原神的电脑。也可以用"网易云游戏"使用里面的云电脑并安装原神以及mod相关文件。 3.我的mod坏了,怎么修复? 建议在问这个问题前先想好: ①mod有没有冲突?例如你将两个胡桃mod放在了一个Mods文件夹,会导致冲突。 ②是否使用过修复工具?更新的时候有可能hash值也会改变,会导致mod无法使用。修复工具可以尝试修复mod的hash值。 使用了修复工具,还是不行怎么办?可以麻烦原神mod区的各位大佬,也可以自己修复,可能是vb/ib不对,打开3dm进入游戏,按小键盘的0即可获取vb/ib,然后打开mod文件夹的.ini修改vb/ib。 ③是否关闭了角色动态高精度?开启这个选项会导致mod损坏。(如果显存低于4G,此选项不会出现,但是也默认关闭。)在每次更新显卡驱动/游戏的时候,此选项可能会开启。 ⑥角色会闪烁/残影怎么办?切换角色,f10/f6多次尝试。建议在导入mod的时候不要打开相关角色的界面,例如角色页面,角色图鉴。 4.我的3DMigoto闪退了,怎么办啊? https://t.me/gshmod/114638/114780 5.我的角色界面有黄色倒影怎么办啊? 请使用这个。https://t.me/gshmod/114638/116343 6.我的原神mod为什么与预览不同,该半透明的地方全透明/不透明了? 请使用TexFx和OrFix,可以查看茉莉的视频。https://t.me/gshmod/114638/114651 https://t.me/gshmod/114638/114723 7.原神怎么解锁帧率? 使用搜索引擎搜索:genshin impact unlockfps,你将找到相关的exe。或者https://t.me/gshmod/114638/122126?single 8.一般怎么寻找mod? 频道内mod善用搜索/媒体寻找自己喜欢的mod,搜索的时候尝试使用#,例如#胡桃 或者#HuTao 。也可以去国外的mod发布网站去寻找mod,例如gamebanana(可以直接在搜索引擎找到),以及韩国的mod发布网站,这里放出韩国的原神mod发布网站相关教程。https://t.me/gshmod/114638/128640 https://t.me/gshmod/114638/126844 其实这很难定义,你也可以从dc频道找到mod,也可以在bilibili,qq等地方找到。 9.我们大原神怎么还有虚化?怎么反虚化? ​你可以使用TexFx,TexFx自带反虚化。水底反虚化可以使用https://t.me/gshmod/10910/130391?single ​10.体力/血条之类的显示错误怎么办? ​尝试按照修改日期排序删除shaderfix文件夹内的一些文件,并且f10尝试。如果嫌麻烦可以直接重下3dm替换shaderfix文件夹。 差不多就这样了,如果还有疑问的话可以问广大的大伙们,也可以联系我我继续编辑,我们在原神mod讨论区/闲聊区/MOD制作交流等你!

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