美国之音流亡海外港人过春节触景生情 前港督彭定康贺新年为之打气 ||




美国之音海外港人也成立流亡政府?西藏流亡政府人员分享经验秘诀 ||


7.21 海外港人活动

7.21 海外港人活动 Exeter 7.16 | 1pm - 3pm Exeter High Street (H&M outside) Birmingham 7.22 | 12pm - 1pm Shirley Park, Stratford Rd, Shirley, Solihull B90 3AL (ASDA 附近草地) #毋忘721 #721唔见人 #721元朗恐袭 #警黑勾结


8.31 海外港人活动 UK

8.31 海外港人活动 UK #太子831 #831太子恐袭 #警暴 #警谎 Bristol 8.26 | 1:30-3:30pm Cascades Steps, Bristol City Centre, BS1 4XJ Edinburgh 8.31 | From 12:30 Edinburgh High street, outside of St Giles Cathedral IG @scottish_hongkongers Manchester 8.31 | 6:30pm St Peter’s Square IG @hkidforce Leeds 8.31 | 6:30-7:30pm Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD Birmingham 9.2 | 2-4pm Birmingham City Center, High Street, B4 7SL (outside Primark) IG @birmingham.hongkongers Exeter 9.3 | 1-3pm Exeter High Street (H&M outside) IG @exehkersaction


7.21 海外港人活动 UK

7.21 海外港人活动 UK #毋忘721 #721唔见人 #721元朗恐袭 #警黑勾结 Exeter (ended) 7.16 | 1pm 3pm Exeter High Street (H&M outside) IG @exehkersaction Nottingham 7.21 | 6-9PM 同呼吸书店 @in.common.breath In Common Breath, 112 High Road, Beeston, NG9 2LN IG @nottsstandwithhk Manchester 7.21 | 6:30pm St Peter's Square London 7.21 | 6:30-8:00pm Piccadilly Circus, London W1D 7ET Birmingham 7.22 | 12-1pm Shirley Park, Stratford Rd, Shirley, Solihull B90 3AL (ASDA 附近草地) @birmingham.hongkongers Leeds 7.22 | 1-3pm Lands Ln (WHSmith 对出) LS1 6AW IG @hongkongers_in_leeds Guildford 7.22 | 17:00 Guildford Friary Street Southampton 7.23 | 13:00-14:00 Bargate Mounment Edinburgh 7.21 | 5-7pm Outside of the National Record EH1 3YY IG @scottish_hongkongers


8.31 海外港人活动 Asia and Americas

8.31 海外港人活动 Asia and Americas #太子831 #831太子恐袭 #警暴 #警谎 Sydney 9.26 | 1600-1830 Outside Sydney Town Hall Melbourne 9.2 | 2-4pm Victoria State Library IG @alkidarkness Vancouver 8.26 | 12-2pm | Outside Vancouver Art Gallery 8.31 | 7-8pm | Outside Metrotown Skytrain Station IG @vanactivistshk Los Angeles 8.31 | 7pm Barnes Park, Monterey Park, CA


美国之音反送中五年后 海外港人组旗队、办粤语教材、推网络普选继续抗争 ||

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