Net sourceMugshot of an unidentified boy arrested for stealing a

Net source Mugshot of an unidentified boy arrested for stealing a car despite being just 11 years old, Santa Monica, Los Angeles.



Call templates

Call templates Personality information Anne (Петров Ольга Олександрівна) Age: 36 Date of birth: October 18, 1988 Place of birth: Ukraine Current Residence: Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, resident of the United States for 6 years. Immigrated on EB-5 visa and obtained US citizenship in 2023. Marital Status: Divorced for 7 years Occupation: Helps aunt run a printer company, has some financial investments in stocks and gold Address: Los Angeles, California Time synchronized with cell phone time Parents: Mother and father Brother Other questions cannot be answered, please inform the customer to chat via text message. Customer Information Bill Age: 61 Occupation: Company Treasurer Marital Status: Married Address: New York (3 hours ahead of Los Angeles, CA) Significant family members: Daughter Relationship with third party: Friend Video location: Home First video call Hello Bill nice to meet you. I haven't seen you in all the time I've been talking to you, and occasionally letting us meet on a video call creates a different kind of chemistry. I was home this afternoon watching the news about the LA wildfires, (north of Santa Monica is being evacuated, as is Brentwood ...... I was close to the northern edge of Santa Monica. (I can see smoke, ash falling from here, but so far we're OK) Ask him how he's doing tonight. I haven't had dinner yet. I'm hanging up now. I'm going to make dinner. We'll talk later via text message.


#洛杉矶#意大利菜 #龙虾意面#碳烤牛排她们家一进门就有木炭的烤炉 ribeye牛排(p6)是木炭烤的真的巨香 很多汁水 上菜以

#洛杉矶#意大利菜 #龙虾意面#碳烤牛排她们家一进门就有木炭的烤炉 ribeye牛排(p6)是木炭烤的真的巨香 很多汁水 上菜以后真的像抢一样马上就吃完了店名:Terra at Eataly Los Angeles 10250 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles,CA 90067


#洛杉矶 #美食 #奶茶 #开车

#洛杉矶 #美食 #奶茶 #开车 Hailey Bieber's Strawberry Glaze Skin Smoothie 海莉同款smoothie又涨价啦 $18> $20 Silver lake这家做的没那么甜比beverly hills好喝! 有免费停车场 就是有点难停容易刮底盘…… 地址:4121 Santa Monica Blvd SUITE 106, Los Angeles, CA 90029


#洛杉矶 #晚餐 意大利餐厅

#洛杉矶 #晚餐 意大利餐厅 前菜点了一个叫little gem的沙拉 里面还有烤玉米 真的很好吃 主菜点了龙虾意面和一个番茄的意面 番茄意面虽然是素的但蕃茄味超级浓郁!龙虾意面也有半只龙虾在里面 超级鲜 因为特别好吃我们还特意点了wine! 店名:Terra at Eataly Los Angeles 10250 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles,CA 90067 她们家一进门就有木炭的烤炉 ribeye牛排是木炭烤的真的巨香 很多汁水 上菜以后真的像抢一样马上就吃完了 甜点也很绝!提拉米苏是那种奶油会流下来的,另一个巧克力里面是榛子味的慕斯也超级好吃都没有那么甜


#美国 #洛杉矶 #超市

#美国 #洛杉矶 #超市 一直来这家吃三明治和pizza,一直忘记拍了! 他们新出的burrata pizza简直是太诱人了!就是吃起来有点费腮帮子,咬着比较硬! 这家超市还有意大利的各种食物,从意大利面到鸡尾酒甜品,巧克力,也有有名的venchi老牌巧克力!开心果各种,酱料,巧克力,饼干,还有各种意大利红酒!整个超市也都是很精致的感觉!很喜欢来这逛逛! Eataly 10250 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90067 United States

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