K7-D 《Meow model》Selct color;Black or WhiteNo one under eighteen




black black color


【一国只许一神】【One Nation Under One Godhead】

【一国只许一神】 【One Nation Under One Godhead】 湖北正在拆除并搬迁位于荆州全世界最大的关公雕像,中国共产党称这座造价1.7亿元人民的关公的雕塑浪费。在正值对信仰和意识形态控制收紧之际,这个打击浪费纳税人资金的最新举动,早前已有一众的大佛和其他偶像被推倒。专家称,信仰削弱与挑战了中共对意识形态的垄断。 Authorities in China’s Hubei province are dismantling a massive statue of the military deity Guan Yu, a general of the Three Kingdoms, after the Chinese Communist Party called it a wasteful eyesore. The crackdown on the waste of taxpayer funds, which has toppled big Buddhas and other icons, comes amid a tightening of controls over faith and ideology that experts say is aimed at weakening beliefs that challenge the CCP’s monopoly on ideology. Post by #自由亚洲粤语 @rfacantonese #中共 #习近平 #新时代中国特色社会主义 #意识形态 #宗教自由 #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP


Under the constitutional principle of One country, two systems,

Under the constitutional principle of One country, two systems, the Hong Kong Basic Law ensures that Hong Kong will retain its capitalist economic system and own currency (the Hong Kong Dollar), legal system, legislative system, and same human rights and freedoms, as a special administrative region (SAR) of China for 50 years. Or does it? Art by IG @oneaguy | twitter @hkguy1988 #23条 #廿三条 #叛国罪 #境外干预罪 #窃取国家机密 #间谍行为 #灭声 #一言堂


Sox Piece Episode 12 "The insidious meow" [One Piece]

Sox Piece Episode 12 "The insidious meow" [One Piece] by: RaftellX Daily Ranking 每日排行榜 -> @Iwara0 #RaftellX #mikumikudance #nami #one_piece #subtitle


Fubuki Under the Table | 2 Loops for Koikatsu! One Punch-Man

Fubuki Under the Table | 2 Loops for Koikatsu! One Punch-Man by: MizukiEcchi Commisions OP Daily Ranking 每日排行榜 -> @Iwara0 #MizukiEcchi Commisions OP #black_eyes #black_hair #cum #cum_inside #double_penetration #hentai #koikatsu #loop #one_punch_man #oral_sex #squirt #squirting #threesome #vaginal_penetration #vaginal_sex


HostBrr | Black Friday Deals! Ryzen & i9 under €1/GB RAM - Stora

HostBrr | Black Friday Deals! Ryzen & i9 under €1/GB RAM - Storage VPS Under €2/TB, More Inside! via(author: labze)

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