Ilya Ponomarev, leader of the political wing of the Freedom of R
Ilya Ponomarev, leader of the political wing of the Freedom of Russia Legion, on LBC: "at the end of the day, this war can end only in Moscow, when Putin's regime is replaced, and obviously it would not be done by Ukrainians or NATO forces, it will be done by Russians. It's our job." 俄罗斯自由军团政治派别领导人伊利亚·波诺马列夫 (Ilya Ponomarev) 在 LBC 上表示:“归根结底,这场战争只能在莫斯科结束,届时普京的政权将被取代,显然这不会由乌克兰人或北约部队完成,这将由俄罗斯人完成。这是我们的工作。”

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