Fermat's Library

Fermat's Library This is the probability that if 3 integers are chosen at random, no common factor will divide them all



"My girlfriend's nudity in library"

"My girlfriend's nudity in library" my channel All publications of this girl: #pn2940 Anonymous submission via@Publicnudity_bot


Fermat's Library

Fermat's Library 23456789 is the largest prime number with consecutive increasing digits. > What about the reverse case? >> 98765431, though I like 98764321 better because it's 2 groups of 4 descending numbers


The 7 most dangerous vulnerabilities in Android applications 202

The 7 most dangerous vulnerabilities in Android applications 2021 Android application vulnerabilities have become a problem because of Google Play’s open format, and also because users can sideload apps, removing any oversight regarding the safety of apps. There are also updates and patches to the Android operating system. You can’t count on Android to update itself in a timely manner, because wireless carries control update schedules on all but Google’s Pixel devices. Expert testing of Android mobile applications shows that in most cases, insecure data storage is the most common security flaw in android apps. According to a report, Vulnerabilities and Threats are slightly more common in Android applications, compared to iOS counterparts(43% vs 38%). But the experts categorize this difference as minimal: the security level of apps is roughly equivalent between the two platforms. Comprehensive security checks of a mobile application include a search for vulnerabilities in the client and server, as well as data transmission between them. #android #apk #vulnerabilities


DC Comics – Mirror Mirror, who’s the craziest of them all? (A XX

DC Comics – Mirror Mirror, who’s the craziest of them all? (A XXX Parody) by: Sojoba Daily Ranking 每日排行榜 -> @Iwara0 #Sojoba #blender #blonde_hair #blowjob #hentai #pov #pov_eye_contact #vr #vr180


关于本次 Z-Library 被美国政府查封,我朋友做出了精辟的点评:

关于本次 Z-Library 被美国政府查封,我朋友做出了精辟的点评: 上联:中国政府不准看正版 下联:美国政府不准看盗版 横批:两头堵 Z-library的9.29离线版种子+书目 Z-Library-All书种 zlibrary电子书10月31号整理 #zlibrary 给大家发个z lib平替 不必惊慌,数据还在换个服务器而已,eh被荷兰查封现在还不是在摩尔多瓦活的好好的 Z-Library最新可用地址 Z-Library: 目前zlib的tor域名还可以访问 但是由于zlibcdn.com被封禁 所有文件都没办法下载 zlib本身也是libgen的镜像,替代的话可以去libgen.is或lisgen.rs,也有检索功能 只不过这个主要是种子文件 对个人来说下载难度比较大 洋葱链接: bookszlibb74ugqojhzhg2a63w5i2atv5bqarulgczawnbmsb6s6qead . onion * 亲测可用,但需要登录才能下载 * 另外有网友做了一个镜像网站: (免责声明:咱不保证访问以上任何网站带来的安全性问题) - 人类对知识是难以遏制的渴求,却被政治一次次的束缚。


Z-Library 电子书下载教程汇总

Z-Library 电子书下载教程汇总 自 z-library 被美国执法机构查封以来,陆续涌现了一批不借助明网 z-library 域名也可以进行搜索下载书籍的方式,本帖将在这里对主流的、较为便捷的方法做一个汇总。前三种方法需要魔法,自行领会,不做任何说明。 方法1:TG 机器人下载(魔法) ①打开[Z-Library登录界面] ②进入tg点击 bot 的“START”完成绑定。 ③直接在 bot 输入书籍的相关信息即可快速查找书籍,也可以直接输入 ISBN 编号。 *注:只能下载<50M的书籍 方法2:TOR浏览器下载(魔法) ①从[tor官网]下载app ②打开tor的app,[登陆 zlibrary] 账号 ③搜索要下载的书→发送→谷歌网盘/直接点击下载 *注:可以通过邮件发送 20M 下的资源;需要注册才能使用;可能较慢 方法3:安卓端 APP 下载(魔法) [下载官方APP] *注:需要方法1中注册的账号进行登录 方法4:通过备份网站下载 ①国内备份: ②国外备份(由 Pirate Library Mirror 项目发起人建立,🪜) *注:资源不一定完整 方法5:通过 zhelper V5 ①打开 ②下载 1、使用秒传下载,[详细教程] 2、使用BT下载, 3、使用IPFS下载,[详细教程] 标签:#教程 #电子书 #zlibrary 投稿:@amiaotgbot

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