GPT3.5翻译:如果你能上传自定义文件到域名/子域名,Bluesky Social(Jack Dorsey的新Twitter)

GPT3.5翻译: 如果你能上传自定义文件到域名/子域名,Bluesky Social(Jack Dorsey的新Twitter)将使用该文件来验证您是否是该域名的所有者。Chaz将自定义文件上传到了他们的Amazon S3存储桶中,现在由于他是第一个这样做的人,他的账号现在与Amazon S3关联在一起。 If you can upload a custom file to a domain/subdomain, bluesky social (Jack Dorsey's new twitter) uses it to verify you are the owner of the domain. Chaz uploaded his custom file to their Amazon s3 bucket and now since he was the first one to do it, his account is now associated with Amazon S3.


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