我地(NGO DEI)严正声明
我地(NGO DEI)严正声明
Solemn Declaration of NGO DEI
// IG @ngodeiorg
2023年5月6日, 香港特别行政区新闻公报中保安局就警务处昨日检走国殇之柱一事对某组织作出指控「有关组织企图混淆视听,假借艺术自由为名,要求归还有关证物,并对警务处的合法执法行动作出无理谴责和恶意抹黑」这样的指控不仅是荒谬而且是对艺术自由的威胁和侵犯...
May 6, 2023, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a news release about the Police operation on the seizure of the Pillar of Shame yesterday in which the Security Bureau accused an organization of attempting "to make misleading comments and request for the return of the exhibit under the guise of artistic freedom" The accusation is not only absurd but also a threat to artistic freedom and an infringement on it...
#PillarOfShame #ReturnThePillar #国殇之柱 #高志活 #国安法 #毋忘六四 #国安处 #消失的香港 #消失的民主自由