动物权益引关注 西班牙取消国家斗牛奖

动物权益引关注 西班牙取消国家斗牛奖 西班牙周五取消了一年一度的国家斗牛奖(National Bullfighting Award),引发保守派人士强烈不满,他们将这个数百年历史的传统视为一种艺术形式,却在近年引起人们对动物福利的日益关注。




联署要求取消邀请,支持打压人权演员甄子丹,担任奥斯卡金像奖颁奖嘉宾 Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars. 请签署支持及转发 Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy. We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award. #OscarAwards #联署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共伪人 #杀神4 #反送中运动 #反修例 #没有暴徒只有暴政




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