蔡英文总统过境美国-中国官媒把「名嘴」变「民众」 蔡英文总统于上月29日至本月7日展开疫情后首次为期十日的外访行程 在蔡英文总统过境美国时,中国官媒环球网报导她遭到当地美国民众抗议反对,并说美国民众希望维持一个中国等诉求,在经过我们查证后,该「民众」竟然是美国知名挺俄罗斯及中国的「名嘴」,且多次上过环球网的报导中,但在抗议蔡英文一事上,名嘴竟然变成「民众」了 据了解,该名嘴为Caleb Maupin,多次在政论节目、媒体中表达自己鲜明他挺俄罗斯与中国立场,且在网路上也有他自己的专栏,环球网也多次以「评论员」等专家的身份报导他的想法,在对蔡英文总统的抗争上竟然降格变成民众党,我们想当事人应该也会哭笑不得吧 英文翻译: President Tsai Ing-wen's Transit in the United States Chinese state media resorts to old tricks to turn "commentator" into "ordinary citizen" Chinese state media reported that American citizens are opposing President Tsai Ing-wen's transit in the United States. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the person identified as an "ordinary citizen" is actually a commentator, journalist, and member of a pro-Russia group. By #大翻译运动 #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #伟大な翻訳运动

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