I can’t even begin to imagine how much money I would spend on fi

I can’t even begin to imagine how much money I would spend on fireworks just so I would have a reason to talk to her @GenshinOfficialNSFW



I would sign up for the knights of favonius just to be near her,

I would sign up for the knights of favonius just to be near her, I don’t care how hard the work is or even if I get paid, just being near her would be enough @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I told myself that I would never play Genshin Impact. And even m

I told myself that I would never play Genshin Impact. And even more so that I will not relieve my stress with this game.Oh, I was such a fool) @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I’d shoot so much jizz into the shogun’s hair that people would

I’d shoot so much jizz into the shogun’s hair that people would mistake her for Shenhe @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I would like to spend the evening on the beach with Yoimiya nake

I would like to spend the evening on the beach with Yoimiya naked and kiss every inch of her body there @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I honestly don’t know which I would prefer, mommy who smells of

I honestly don’t know which I would prefer, mommy who smells of booze or mommy who smells of strong perfume? Either way I’m cumming @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I didn’t even have to say it this time, Genshin women finally kn

I didn’t even have to say it this time, Genshin women finally know what I want from them and it pleases me @GenshinOfficialNSFW

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