Never understood this ship but it’s hot so I like it. I bet thes

Never understood this ship but it’s hot so I like it. I bet these two smell good, imagine what they smell like together. Would love to push my dick right in the side of their mouths as they make out. It’s fine if they ignore me cus it gives me more time to sniff their hair @GenshinOfficialNSFW



I’ve found it, my exact idea of what heaven truly looks like. I

I’ve found it, my exact idea of what heaven truly looks like. I can smell them already @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I like my Kuki's just like how I like my cookies...full of nuts

I like my Kuki's just like how I like my cookies...full of nuts and covered with frosting @GenshinOfficialNSFW


It’s so beautiful, I’d give anything to know how it smells and f

It’s so beautiful, I’d give anything to know how it smells and feels. We’d go on a date around town walking hand in hand on a cold winters evening. I’d kiss her cheek then take her braid and gently wrap it around my neck like a gorgeous, fragrant scarf and have a wonderful night together @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I feel like if I could just have one sniff of Cloud Retainer’s p

I feel like if I could just have one sniff of Cloud Retainer’s ponytail then I could live out the rest of my days happy. When her human form was revealed I nearly died of nutting too hard, I just hope her hair smells like chenyu adeptae tea leaves. Idc what she says I’m getting a hairjob from her @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I’d shove my fist so far up Noelle’s ass that I could control he

I’d shove my fist so far up Noelle’s ass that I could control her like a finger puppet @GenshinOfficialNSFW


Hot and sexy wet ayaka she's so breedable i would love to pound

Hot and sexy wet ayaka she's so breedable i would love to pound her sexy body from behind @GenshinOfficialNSFW

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