Coinbase addresses the need for crypto lenders while NFTs contin

Coinbase addresses the need for crypto lenders while NFTs continue to decline. The appointment of a new president in Singapore prompts speculation about the future of cryptocurrency.



Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong called for clear rules for the cryp

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong called for clear rules for the cryptocurrency industry, stating that the US should align with the rest of the G20 countries. He emphasized the need for sensible crypto policies to be implemented.


Coinbase CEO joins entrepreneurs on Capitol Hill to advocate for

Coinbase CEO joins entrepreneurs on Capitol Hill to advocate for clear cryptocurrency regulations. The CNBC Crypto World program provides news and trading updates for digital currencies, including interviews and stories from the crypto industry. Today’s episode features Solo Ceesay from Calaxy discussing his optimism about bitcoin’s future bull run.


Polkadot Treasury released its latest report, which raised conce

Polkadot Treasury released its latest report, which raised concerns about the future of DOT. The report showed that Polkadot-related projects have been reducing their workforce, leading to worries about the impact of the crypto winter on Polkadot and its cryptocurrency.


FASB has approved new accounting standards for crypto, addressin

FASB has approved new accounting standards for crypto, addressing the fair value issue. However, these standards do not cover assets like NFTs. This decision comes after numerous crypto companies voiced their concerns about fair value accounting.


Coinbase停止在印度的新用户注册,但仍对印度市场有承诺。CNBC Crypto World报道了此消息,并提供了最新数字货

Coinbase停止在印度的新用户注册,但仍对印度市场有承诺。CNBC Crypto World报道了此消息,并提供了最新数字货币市场的新闻和交易更新,包括高调采访、解说和独特故事,为观众展示了加密行业的发展前景。今天的节目中,S&P Global的Cristina Polizu解读了新的稳定币研究结果。

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