FTX创始人Bankman-Fried是迈克尔·刘易斯的新书《Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall




FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried的崛起与跌落成为迈克尔·刘易斯新书《无穷进取》的核心主题。


迈克尔杰克逊传记片《迈克尔》剧照 明年上映

迈克尔杰克逊传记片《迈克尔》剧照 明年上映 迈克尔·杰克逊传记片不会只是“歌功颂德”,而是呈现他复杂又充满争议的一生。本片会讲到迈克尔·杰克逊童星出道,成年后成为全球偶像,但他童年的生活并不轻松,成名后更因为性骚扰指控而引发争议,他的突然离世造成轰动。《迈克尔》由《波西米亚狂想曲》制片人格拉汉姆·金负责,导演安东尼·福奎阿执导,2025年4月18日北美上映。 ... PC版: 手机版:


Bankman-Fried’s lawyer claims cryptocurrency was not suitable fo

Bankman-Fried’s lawyer claims cryptocurrency was not suitable for everyone, while FTX contradicts this by marketing to expand its appeal. FTX’s efforts to reach a wider audience with cryptocurrency could play a significant role in Bankman-Fried’s trial.


Bankman-Fried appeared in court on October 27, 2023, for his fra

Bankman-Fried appeared in court on October 27, 2023, for his fraud trial. During his questioning, his lawyer inquired about FTX’s operations.


Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of FTX, is facing an upcoming trial r

Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of FTX, is facing an upcoming trial related to crypto financial fraud. Zeke Faux of Bloomberg News discusses the details with NPR’s David Gura.


Sam Bankman-Fried, the former face of crypto and founder of FTX

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former face of crypto and founder of FTX exchange, is currently on trial for allegedly orchestrating a major fraud. This trial is seen as a potential test for the entire crypto industry. NPR’s David Gura discusses the case with Bloomberg reporter Zeke Faux and New Yorker staff writer Sheelah Kolhatkar. Email [email protected] for more information.

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