Shiba Inu and Pepe are popular meme coins, generating significan

Shiba Inu and Pepe are popular meme coins, generating significant social activity. However, their market performance does not align with the hype. This raises the question of whether their popularity has translated into actual profit.



SHIBA INU (SHIB) have experienced a drop in price. Despite this,

SHIBA INU (SHIB) have experienced a drop in price. Despite this, PEPE and these meme coins are still showing signs of a bullish trend.


Shiba Inu’s Shibarium experiences a decline in key metrics, such

Shiba Inu’s Shibarium experiences a decline in key metrics, such as a significant decrease in the burn rate. Nonetheless, SHIB’s daily trend suggests a positive upward movement.


#Tosa Inu 的灵感来自 Shiba Inu 和秋田犬,狗狗硬币、shiba Inu 和现在的 Tosa Inu 之类的垃

#Tosa Inu 的灵感来自 Shiba Inu 和秋田犬,狗狗硬币、shiba Inu 和现在的 Tosa Inu 之类的垃圾硬币 #tosa #tosainu 一些 GIGA CHADS 已经加入,包括 PIG DEV(50 亿美元) TG: 图表:


Shiba Inu (SHIB) plays a vital role in Shibarium’s success and t

Shiba Inu (SHIB) plays a vital role in Shibarium’s success and the decentralized Shiba Inu State, according to the marketing lead.


#SESAME SHIBA INU 几分钟前推出 下一个 Shiba Inu!!!

#SESAME SHIBA INU 几分钟前推出 下一个 Shiba Inu!!! 图表: 芝麻柴犬是以太坊区块链上的一个社区项目,旨在汇集柴犬犬种的粉丝。 Doxxed 团队 电报: 网址: 推特:


【Shiba Inu 开发人员发布诈骗警告】

【Shiba Inu 开发人员发布诈骗警告】 Shiba Inu的主要开发者之一Kaal Dhairya在最近的博客文章中对试图欺骗Shiba Inu. 的诈骗者发出警告。Dhairya 发现了一个旨在发出恶意事件的合约,混淆了有关实际发送者和接收者的信息。通过这种方式,可以将加密货币与知名钱包相关联。 开发人员表示,这种技巧既可以用于巧妙的营销,也可以用于欺骗潜在的受害者。欺诈者经常滥用 ERC20 批准功能,以借助虚假代币从其他用户那里窃取资金。Dhairya敦促Shiba Inu用户跟踪官方公告,以避免成为可疑骗局的受害者。

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