怎么中方还给美国财政部长 迷幻蘑菇
怎么中方还给美国财政部长 迷幻蘑菇 CNN’s Erin Burnett spoke to her Monday, asking about the “mushroom experience” that set off a social media frenzy and dramatically boosted business for a Yunnan restaurant chain, where Yellen ate the local jian shou qing. “There was a delicious mushroom dish. I was not aware that these mushrooms had hallucinogenic properties. I learned that later,” Yellen said about the group dinner that clarified that she didn’t organize nor did she do the ordering. 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)的艾琳-伯内特(Erin Burnett)周一采访了她,问及耶伦在一家云南连锁餐厅吃到当地的建寿青,并在社交媒体上掀起热议、大幅提升餐厅生意的 "蘑菇体验"。 "有一道美味的蘑菇菜。我当时并不知道这些蘑菇具有致幻作用。我是后来才知道的。"耶伦在谈到这次集体聚餐时澄清说,她既没有组织,也没有点菜。 #迫真禁毒 By:匿名投稿

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