Hong Kong Watch is formally launching a social media campaign en
Hong Kong Watch is formally launching a social media campaign encouraging people to mark the LegCo election that will take place on December19th 2021, by sharing a photo with the hashtag #ReleaseMyCandidate.
With this campaign, hope to send a message to the international community that these rigged elections do not reflect the voice of the Hong Kong people and to again call for the release of the 47 pro-democracy activists and 35+ primaries candidates who have been jailed for over 300days.
Please feel free tagging us in your posts and we’ll retweet / share.
our fb/ig: @hongkongwatchorg
#save47 #初选大搜捕 #Support47 #国安法 #颠覆国家政权 #法治已死 #两制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打压