What should you reply when a bully asks you ''Why are you so fat

What should you reply when a bully asks you ''Why are you so fat? Everytime i fuck your mom she gives me a cookie. 你们知道如果校园里的恶霸指责你“你怎么这么胖?”时,你应该怎么回答吗? “因为每次我和你妈上床,她都会给我一块小饼干。” From @MeiPinTu



Why you should have a cat:

Why you should have a cat: stop it https://twitter.com/ShouldHaveCat/status/1776339041853509885 from 猫猫窝


Love is......when he thinks you should not be arrested by these

Love is... ...when he thinks you should not be arrested by these fascists. Art by @mwcartoons #xijinping #putin #russia #ukraine #bloodbrothers #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #StandWithUkraine #PrayForUkraine


//外国有指引讲明宠物验出阳性后嘅措施:其中美国入面一篇 What You Should Know about COVID-19

//外国有指引讲明宠物验出阳性后嘅措施:其中美国入面一篇 What You Should Know about COVID-19 and Pets 一则细项 What to do if your pet tests positive 讲到,如果你宠物对中共肺炎呈现阳性,系应该将宠物隔离喺家中,其对待与同人类染病做法相同,切勿放宠物到外面走动,并需持续检录宠物嘅情况与及定时通报。隔离 14 日后,再无相关症状并且验出 negative result 后,就无需再有后续跟进。 . 根据加拿大官方指引,你无需帮任何宠物做 COVID test,因为中共肺炎主要人传人,如果宠物有病征,都系同主人一样隔离。 . 根据英国官方指引,宠物传人机会甚微,多数系人传宠物。宠物无需做额外保护措施,但如果你养雪貂,则需隔离雪貂及其他人 21 日。如果你染咗武肺,最好同宠物一齐隔离,但确保你要好好照顾宠物,唔好同宠物共用食物,要清洁自己后先好掂宠物。 . 简言之:你根本唔需要杀咗佢哋。// 全文: 文字: @rehk_neverforget 插图: @side._lee #仓鼠 #武汉肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #祸港正苦 #冷血暴政 #生命有价 #有生存权利 #滥杀无辜



#千里表白我们第一次见面是在两个多月前,在亚太羽毛球场。那天晚上,我们一起打羽毛球,交换了联系方式,开始每天晚上聊天。但两周后,我不得不离开去新加坡去攻读音乐学位。在我离开之前,我让她等我,并承诺毕业后会回来。 即使在我回到仰光之后,我们仍然继续聊天,直到有一天,她突然没有任何解释就屏蔽了我。我太爱她了,我不明白我们的关系怎么会就这样结束。农历新年那天,我和妈妈、妹妹回到了 SKK,希望见到她。我们在她宿舍前等了五个小时,但她仍然在参加公司的聚会。看到妈妈泪流满面,姐姐决定我们应该回到仰光。 那一刻我心碎了。我一直无法继续前进。我甚至放弃了完成音乐学位的机会,因为这一切都压在我身上,我无法专心学习。现在,我回到了 SKK,仍然怀抱希望。如果你看到这个,请解除对我的屏蔽。我只是想谈谈,了解一下,因为我从未停止过关心。 We first met at Yatai Badminton Court a little over two months ago. That night, we played badminton together, exchanged contacts, and started talking every night. But two weeks later, I had to leave for Singapore to pursue my music degree. Before I left, I asked her to wait for me, promising to return after graduation.Even after I went back to Yangon, we continued our conversations,until one day, she suddenly blocked me without any explanation. I love her so much, and I can't understand how our connection could just end like that.On Chinese New Year, I returned to SKK with my mom and sister, hoping to see her. We waited in front of her dormitory for five hours, but she was still at her company’s party. Seeing my mom break down in tears, my sister decided we should go back to Yangon. That moment shattered me.I haven’t been able to move on. I even gave up my opportunity to complete my music degree because I couldn’t focus on my studies with all of this weighing on me. Now, I'm back in SKK, still holding onto hope. If you ever see this, please unblock me. I just want to talk, to understand,because I never stopped caring. 展开有翻译,有点长, PS:投稿人说这是女孩子的照片。 派大星看起来怎么感觉是网图啊 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 订阅亚太新闻频道  ↓ 欢迎爆料: @yt1338

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