注意:Vitra正在遭遇大规模盗刷 #Vitra 9/28更新:Vitra还没有找到新卡合作商就开始关闭旧卡和讨论区:the program was closed by Vitracash on 29 June 2022 ("Effective Date') in accordance with the Card Terms and Conditions. From the Effective Date, your Card will be cancelled, and you will no longer be able to use the Card. 7/10更新:Vitra发邮件将更换卡发行和处理商,并为所有用户更换新卡:We are switching our issuer and processor. This means that any VitraCard issued up until now will not work anymore. You will receive a new, working VitraCard in the coming weeks. 7/9更新:Vitra CEO关于盗刷事件的一些更新 18:00 UTC+8:Vitra工程师尝试大规模盗刷原因,表示没有任何卡资料泄漏,Vitra正在为所有人退款 15:30 UTC+8:Vitra COO 表示已经关闭系统和APP, 13:30 UTC+8:客服上线开始问题和邮件, • 之前有群友介绍过这个Vitra,一个类似Curve的账户,由于过于小众而没有推荐 刚刚多位群友反馈Vitra上绑定的卡先后被盗刷: • 目前不确定是脱裤还是内鬼行为,而且目前盗刷还在持续 • 建议绑定过Vitra的卡立即挂失或销卡,实在不方便的也应该锁卡并设置交易限额(对于锁卡也无法阻止代扣的银行,应立即联系银行客服) @DocOfCard

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