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: Happy sharky birthday!!! Also congratulations on reaching 4 million subscriptions!!! - Artist: @mokyumokyu_33 Special thanks to Mokyu-san for willing me to cooperate! Mokyu-san is a very good artist!! Hope you are happy every day~~ #GuraBirthday2022 #gawrt #animation
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Happy Birthday GNU! 今天(27日,其实是昨天)不光是Google的25岁生日,还是GNU Project的40 岁生日! Happy Birthday GNU! GNU 的全称是 Gnu's Not Unix, 管理着多个项目,包括著名的GPL许可证系列,管理GNU/Linux操作系统(诸多Linux发行版的core),在FSF基金会管理下运作。 GNU一再提醒大家,Linux其实是 ! ,
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