如何提现 Apple Pay

如何提现 Apple Pay 1.Get a new or an old Iphone or Ipad that has never been used with apple pay cash 2.Verify 1 of the accounts via apple pay cash. It has to match the name and address on a driver license and the phone. 3.Once verified make another new accont on the same iphone/ipad if it let. If not get anew phone or ipad. U can verify if u want if not u dont have to 4.Get a cc or debit log with email access and add it to apple pay. Once u have that verified via bank or email access u can now send cash from the debit or cc. 5.Two ways of adding money 1st way is to go to apple pay cash on the account the ccor debit is on and click add money and its gone ask how much. If verified add $1500 if not verified add $450. Once money is added u can go to imessage and send to your other account via your money in apple pay cash 6.The second way is to send straight to that person via imessage instead of adding it to that account 7.You can make 3 profiles per phone or ipad so just repeat steps. Apple DOES NOT charge back so once u want to withdraw funds u can add your bank account and send to that account. Can take 2-3 days to get deposited. 1.) Get Fresh Phone W Active APay Or GPay 2.) Purchase OTPBOT Or Get Code From otp bot 3.) Get CC From Your Site Or from a vendor 4.) Connect CC To Apple Pay And Send The One Time Code to Card Holder Phone, Send Call From Bot To Receive Code And Connect Your CC To Apple Pay! Also Make Sure Your Bot Pulls ATM Pin 5.) From Here you got 3 Options, Add Cash ( Which Might Burn Your Device) Instore Swipe or ATM.



Apple Pay Later 将开始上报信用,

Apple Pay Later 将开始上报信用, Apple ID 可能改名 Apple Account, Google 将关闭 Google Pay 应用 #Apple #Experian #Google #消息 Experian 和 Apple 今天,loan 贷款信息将从3月1日起出现在客户的 Experian 信用报告中,并带有 BNPL(“buy now, pay later”)名称, Your credit score won't be affected when we start sharing your Apple Pay Later loan and payment history, but might be affected in the future once data is incorporated by credit scoring models, like FICO®9. 引述消息人士称,苹果似乎正在准备将 Apple ID 改名为 Apple Account,最快可能在晚些时候推出,比如与 iOS 18 一起发布。2022 年苹果将 iTunes Pass为, 所有 Apple Gift Card 余额转为 Apple Account balance,并允许将其加入 Apple Wallet Google 之前,将于6月24日起关闭(US) 应用,全面转入 Google Wallet,在中,Google 似乎已经不剩几个对标的产品了 @DocOfCard / DocOfCard.com


Hello 周克庆!I’m very sorry that you had to contact me. Unfortunate

Hello 周克庆! I’m very sorry that you had to contact me. Unfortunately, some actions can trigger a harsh response from our anti-spam systems. If you think your account was limited by mistake, you can submit a complaint to our moderators. While the account is limited, you will not be able to send messages to people who do not have your number in their phone contacts or add them to groups and channels. Of course, when people contact you first, you can always reply to them.


苹果宣布推出 Apple Pay Later

苹果宣布推出 Apple Pay Later #Apple #ApplePayLater #消息 6/18/24更新: 2/28/24更新: Experian 和苹果今天,Apple Pay Later loan 贷款信息将从3月1日起出现在客户的 Experian 信用报告中,并带有 BNPL(“buy now, pay later”)名称 Your credit score won't be affected when we start sharing your Apple Pay Later loan and payment history, but might be affected in the future once data is incorporated by credit scoring models, like FICO®9. 10/23更新: Apple Pay Later 正式上线,不再 beta 3/28更新:Apple 今天,它将开始邀请通过 Apple Wallet 使用 Apple Pay Later 的预发布版本,并向他们的 Apple ID 发送一封电子邮件。Apple 计划在“未来几个月”扩展到美国所有 18 岁以上符合条件的 iPhone 用户 Apple Pay Later 是去年 6 月的 WWDC 2022 上宣布的一种“先买后付”的融资选项,符合条件的美国客户可以在六周内将使用 Apple Pay 进行的购买分成四笔等额付款,无需支付利息或费用,金额为 50 至 1,000 美元,用户必须链接借记卡作为他们的贷款还款方式,不接受信用卡 Apple Pay Later 由 Apple 子公司 Apple Financing LLC 提供,该公司负责信用评估和贷款。用户贷款申请将会有 Soft pull 信用查询,Apple Financing 计划从今年秋天开始向美国征信机构报告 Apple Pay Later 贷款 Apple Pay Later 通过 Mastercard Installments 计划启用,高盛作为支付凭证发行方,无需商家提供支持 • 开通 Apple Pay Later 会有 SP Experian验证,Apple 会自己考虑是需要你输入 SSN 相关: AGS大乱斗 @DocOfCard DocOfCard.com


Apple Cash 推出虚拟卡,在线支付时可使用该虚拟卡向尚未支持Apple Pay的商家使用Apple Pay付款

Apple Cash 推出虚拟卡,在线支付时可使用该虚拟卡向尚未支持Apple Pay的商家使用Apple Pay付款 支持重新生成全新的卡号以及CVV Bin: 429544 标签: #Apple #Cash 频道: @GodlyNews1 投稿: @GodlyNewsBot



还是湾湾的小朋友对我好 赞助我换手机 If you also want to support me to buy a new phone so that I can send videos better, please pay 5-100 USD to my PayPal account, thank you! PayPal account: [email protected]


You guys want to fooling around the story and want everyone to b

You guys want to fooling around the story and want everyone to believe that your story is all good. Why not tell everyone that you called me through phone pleading on me that you and your husband can’t open a bank account because you have no business to declare in Philippines because your husband job is in POGO. You use my business to declare as you are the owner and the bank approved it. So you think everything is free? You use my business and every time you have huge transactions to your account the bank called me to ask a TAX report because there’s a huge amount and you always say it’s from the business of mine and I am always the one paying highly cost of TAX. And because you can’t get anything you want to gather all the information against me from the other investors who had receiving their profit every month with monthly audited reports. You also want to find people who will be fighting against me and so that all you can do? Why not get a lawyer and sort it by yourself and sue me if there’s truly something did wrong? Are you afraid that the PAOCC will investigate and arrest you for defrauding people too? A theftis afraid of theft too .

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