【分享】Simple Text Editor简单的文本编辑器
【分享】Simple Text Editor简单的文本编辑器
【资源名称】:Simple Text Editor简单的文本编辑器
【资源作者】:Maxim Starikov【资源介绍】:这是一个简单的文本编辑器,可以帮助您编辑文本文件。
【版本1.23.1 的更新内容】:
- CGerman translation updated, thanks Wolfgang!
This is simple text editor that can help you with editing text files.
This editor mostly used by me for small text notes, write down ideas whileI have a break.
Supports only plain text files at the moment.
The code is open so can review code, send pull requests, new features,translations and so on. https:/ / github.com/ maxistar/TextPad.