
*Android/Linux/Windows/MacOS/iOS *科技人文资讯 聊天群组 @open_source_community 投稿请私信 @HHX_rich @SatoShiNataMoto Discord Server: https://discord.gg/tRqEWtN4Q9



Shotcut 一个免费的,开源的,跨平台的视频编辑器

Shotcut 一个免费的,开源的,跨平台的视频编辑器 is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor. 链接: 标签:#剪辑 #macOS #windows #linux #开源 群聊:@appmiu


Burgers汉堡王 中文社区

Site: burgercities.org Twitter: twitter.com/burger_cities Telegram: t.me/burgercities Medium: burgercities.medium.com Discord: discord.gg/burgerofficial Kakao: open.kakao.com/o/gQAMv1cd



server discord https://discord.gg/E5uA5vpDS8


AOSC 社区频道

该群组用于 AOSC OS 用户反馈、日常开发、技术交流以及进行各类相关讨论 本群禁用 Sticker;闲聊、水群等请移步托腮群 — Discord 频道: https://discord.gg/VYPHgt9 — 托腮群: https://t.me/aosc_tuosai 本频道成员须遵守《AOSC 人际关系准则(长期征求意见稿)》: https://wiki.aosc.io/zh/community/guidelines



AI一年,人间十年 投稿 @FreonLiquid 群组 https://t.me/Road2aiworld 频道 https://t.me/LptTech Discord https://discord.gg/3ggyJ8SV4F #chatGPT #互联网 #科技 #AI #人工智能


英伟达发布了开源 GPU 内核模块

英伟达发布了开源 GPU 内核模块 NVIDIA is now publishing Linux GPU kernel modules as open source with dual GPL/MIT license, starting with the R515 driver release. You can find the source code for these kernel modules in the NVIDIA Open GPU Kernel Modules repo on . …… Along with the source code, fully-built and packaged versions of the drivers are provided. For data center GPUs in the NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere architecture families, this code is production ready. …… In this open-source release, support for GeForce and Workstation GPUs is alpha quality. GeForce and Workstation users can use this driver on Turing and NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs to run Linux desktops. More robust and fully featured GeForce and Workstation support will follow in subsequent releases and the NVIDIA Open Kernel Modules will eventually supplant the closed-source driver. Customers with Turing and Ampere GPUs can choose which modules to install. Pre-Turing customers will continue to run the closed source modules.

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