#网友求助#can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a messag

#网友求助 #can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a message instead #如果有人看到他,告诉他回家,因为他的妻子很担心。 PS: Don’t stress your beautiful wife -- 爆料投稿: @labi1858 : 行业交流聊天/招管理 休闲电影 房源供需 二手交易 吃瓜搞笑 求职招聘 抖音吃瓜 频道广告赞助商



#网友求助#can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a messag

#网友求助 #can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a message instead #如果有人看到他,告诉他回家,因为他的妻子很担心。 PS: Don’t stress your beautiful wife 网友投稿,请自行考证 投搞曝料:@labi1858 休闲电影 房源供需 二手交易 吃瓜搞笑 求职招聘 抖音吃瓜


#女网友求助#can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a messa

#女网友求助 #can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a message instead #如果有人看到他,告诉他回家,因为他的妻子很担心。 广告赞助商 担保平台|黑款包赔 :首存送包赔 代开会员~gcash代付 投稿私信:互助吧 @huzhuba66


#小菲求助:can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a messag

#小菲求助:can you delete our conversation? Just put this as a message instead #如果有人看到他,告诉他回家,因为他的妻子很担心。 欢迎订阅东南亚大事件频道 t.me/+bSG_NNJH-_83MTRl 欢迎投稿爆料: @kaidilake


#网友回复You are really a scammer!!!! Instead of replying to our mes

#网友回复 You are really a scammer!!!! Instead of replying to our messages you just post and triggered us to do this. This is MIA SUN and her husband. (English name: JUSTIN) They are now in Thailand hiding. His wife get a lot of money from investment and about visa but nothing happened. A lot of money never returned to us. You are living your life while we are suffering. And instead of talking to us, you are still proud and posting. This couple is now in Khrung Thep Thailand. If you see them. Please avoid trusting them 你真是个骗子!!!你不回复我们的信息,只是发帖,并诱使我们这样做。这是 MIA SUN 和她的丈夫。(英文名:JUSTIN)他们现在躲在泰国。他的妻子从投资和签证中获得了很多钱,但什么也没发生。很多钱从未还给我们。你在过着你的生活,而我们却在受苦。你不和我们说话,却仍然骄傲地发帖。这对夫妇现在在泰国 Khrung Thep。如果你看到他们。请不要相信他们


#菲妹投稿Where are you fucking really flirting with my husband, just

#菲妹投稿 Where are you fucking really flirting with my husband, just don't show yourself to me, you really block me, you're really used to being a hooker for anyone, well yes, I remember you being a prostitute, how is your vagina, is it too loose? Be careful with this woman, this prostitute and thief and hooker for my husband, you're still asking for money from my husband , why don't you have Chinese and Korean and Filipino guests? you poor cheap woman. Let's just not meet again, you'll really be ruined! damn shit! 译文: 你他妈到底在哪跟我老公调情,别向我展示你自己,你真的把我给堵住了,你真的给谁都当过妓女,嗯,我记得你是个妓女,你的阴道怎么样,是不是太松了?小心这个女人,这个妓女,小偷,给我老公当妓女,你还跟我老公要钱,你怎么不来中国人韩国人菲律宾人客人?你这个可怜的贱女人。咱们就别再见面了,你真的会身败名裂!该死的! 该频道只负责曝光悬赏吃瓜内容 《真假自行辨别,被骗概不负责》 点击订阅全网悬赏通缉令【曝光】 https://t.me/QWXSTJL 曝光悬赏/商务合作:@TGjiangjun66


#小菲投稿 #陈耿成Hello, can you post this on your channel and ask if so

#小菲投稿 #陈耿成 Hello, can you post this on your channel and ask if someone recognize this man? His passport was with me. I think he also got scammed. This passport was delivered to me together with my staff passport and I dont know who owns this. If someone knows him, please tell him to send me a message immediately to get his passport back. Thankyou. 你好,你能把这个发到你的频道上,问问有没有人认识这个人吗? 他的护照在我这里。我想他也被骗了。这本护照是和我的员工护照一起寄给我的,我不知道这是谁的。如果有人认识他,请让他立即给我发信息,拿回他的护照。谢谢。 【智维专流程外包 十年真诚服务】 @Cognix2015 AV @Daacy 国产 @Qobri 吃瓜@Xocow色瓜 @Ton5c 表情包@iubas/.

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