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A team of cybersecurity experts offers the following services:

A team of cybersecurity experts offers the following services: 0. Security Assessment. You provide a list of IP addresses and our team identifies the maximum number of vulnerabilities without going deep into the internal infrastructure in case of exploitation. 1. External Penetration Test. You provide a list of IP addresses or a link to the official site and we simulate the actions of an attacker who seeks to penetrate the internal infrastructure. 2. Digital Fingerprinting. You provide nothing but the name and official website of the company and we conduct Open Source INTelligence (OSINT) to identify information that an attacker can gather without actively interacting with the infrastructure. 3. Automated Vulnerability Scanning. You provide a list of IP addresses and we run specialized vulnerability scanners. 4. Threat Monitoring. You provide a list of the software being used and our team monitors public vulnerabilities within the agreed period of time. 5. Password Attacks and Password Policy Audit. You provide a list of entry points and usernames (optional), and we conduct password attacks and audit the applied password policies. 6. Ongoing Assessment. You specify a service and we conduct security engagements on a regular basis. After forming the Rules of Engagement and receiving the input data, we form a work group, agree on a deadline and select a contact person for communication. At the end we provide a detailed report on the results (with recommendations), the necessary accompanying materials (logs, scanner reports), as well as the warranty period, within which we can verify that the vulnerabilities are properly fixed. #Security Contacts: [email protected]



ANi Open: https://open.ani.rip ANi Status: https://status.ani.rip/ ANi API (Resources Core): https://api.ani.rip/ani-download.xml ANi API (Torrent): https://api.ani.rip/ani-torrent.xml Donation: https://ko-fi.com/anidonate



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