银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:A Black family in North Carolina battles decades of harassment by land developers trying to seize their waterfront property, in this searing documentary by Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro). 链接: 大小:10.6GB 标签:#纪录片 #银元之路 来自:雷锋 频道:@Aliyundrive_Share_Channel 群组:@alyd_g 投稿:@AliYunPanBot



资源银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

资源银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 资源简介:A Black family in North Carolina battles decades of harassment by land developers trying to seize their waterfront property, in this searing documentary by Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro). 链接:【阿里云盘】点击获取 关键词:#纪录片 #银元之路 频道:@yunpanpan 投稿:@zaihuaboxbot 资源搜索请在下方评论区即可


银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:A Black family in North Carolina battles decades of harassment by land developers trying to seize their waterfront property, in this searing documentary by Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro). 链接:https://www.alipan.com/s/zbCVXoMydsA 大小:10.6GB 标签:#纪录片 #银元之路 来自:雷锋 版权:版权反馈/DMCA 频道:@shareAliyun 群组:@aliyundriveShare 投稿:@aliyun_share_bot


诅咒 (2023) 4K HDR & Dv 中字内嵌字幕

诅咒 (2023) 4K HDR & Dv 中字内嵌字幕 描述:When a generations- long family curse turns Alex Vanderhouven to stone, it's up to his two kids, Pandora and Russ, and his wife Sky, to return artifacts stolen by their ancestors to their rightful homes to finally lift the curse for good. 链接: 大小:40.21GB 标签:#动作 #动画 #冒险 #诅咒 #美漫 来自:雷锋 频道:@Aliyundrive_Share_Channel 群组:@alyd_g 投稿:@AliYunPanBot


全力挥杆:高尔夫大满贯之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

全力挥杆:高尔夫大满贯之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:这部沉浸式纪录片剧集跟随一群背景各异的专业高尔夫球手,聚焦他们在残酷赛季球场内外的生活。 链接:https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/VYd7UWM1BYY 大小:46.1GB 标签:#纪录片 #运动 #全力挥杆 #高尔夫大满贯之路 来自:雷锋 版权:版权反馈/DMCA 频道:@shareAliyun 群组:@aliyundriveShare 投稿:@aliyun_share_bot


浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:“The Bloody Hundredth” is a new documentary that honors the real-life heroes of the 100th Bomb Group. Produced by Playtone-Amblin and narrated by Tom Hanks, the hour-long documentary spotlights the true stories of several characters and real-life airmen featured in “Masters of the Air.” From the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of VE Day, “The Bloody Hundredth” is a record of what was endured and achieved by a group of young Americans when their country and the world needed them most. 链接: 大小:11GB 标签:#纪录片 #浴血百战 来自:雷锋 频道:@Aliyundrive_Share_Channel 群组:@alyd_g 投稿:@AliYunPanBot


拿破仑 (2023) 4K HDR & Dv 中字内嵌字幕

拿破仑 (2023) 4K HDR & Dv 中字内嵌字幕 描述:一部关于拿破仑的起源故事和称帝之路的大片,从他的妻子约瑟芬的视角展开,会包括拿破仑一生经历过的著名战役、他不竭的野心、作为军事家那让人震惊的战术头脑。 链接: 大小:26.5GB 标签:#剧情 #历史 #战争 #拿破仑 来自:雷锋 频道:@Aliyundrive_Share_Channel 群组:@alyd_g 投稿:@AliYunPanBot

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