资源了解宇宙如何运行How The Universe Works 第三季
资源了解宇宙如何运行How The Universe Works 第三季 描述:01-太阳系中心的旅程Journey From the Center of the Sun 02-宇宙的终结End of the Universe 03-木星:毁灭者还是拯救者?Jupiter: Destroyer Or Savior? 04-大爆炸的第一秒First Second Of the Big Bang 05-土星还活着吗?Is Saturn Alive? 06-大规模灭绝武器Weapons Of Mass Extinction 07-黑洞创造了银河系?Did a Black Hole Build the Milky Way? 08-我们的星际旅程Our Voyage to the Stars 09-第二地球The Search For the Second Earth 链接:

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