【Otherside:共有7200多名Voyager和受邀者参与“Otherside:2nd Trip”】

【Otherside:共有7200多名Voyager和受邀者参与“Otherside:2nd Trip”】 Yuga Labs元宇宙项目Otherside昨日开启了“Otherside:2nd Trip”活动。Otherside表示,此次活动共有7200多名Voyager和受邀者参与。 此前消息,Yuga Labs宣布“Otherside:2nd Trip”活动暂定于3月25日上线。据介绍,Voyagers将能在Trip(旅行)开始前15分钟进入体验,Otherdeeds NFT持有者将有机会参加此次活动。2nd Trip可以通过邀请参与,未来几周将提供更多关于Guest Pass(访客通行证)如何运作的细节。 一旦2nd Trip达到容量,玩家将无法再加入体验。Voyagers将优先于访客通行证进入体验,参加2nd Trip的旅行者将有资格获得FIRST TRIP Obelisk碎片。



【Otherside:Team Glacia玩家钱包将在一周内收到Winged头盔空投】

【Otherside:Team Glacia玩家钱包将在一周内收到Winged头盔空投】 据Yuga Labs元宇宙游戏Otherside官方社交媒体@Othersidemeta透露,Team Glacia团队在2nd Trip中为他们的蟾蜍获得了最多斑点(blob),因此其玩家钱包将会一周内收到Winged头盔空投,空投分配将会是随机的,地址包含获胜玩家的其他合约(如果存在),如果没有检测到其他持有的合约,那么空投将到达连接和参与的钱包,空投完成后Otherside将会发布藏品链接。Team Glacia团队成为由演员、主持人和游戏玩家组成,互联网资深人士Jimmy Wong担任队长,此外Otherside还透露,2nd Trip会在随后激励中增加额外的游戏化元素,旨在丰富Voyager和访客的体验。


Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Sie

Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege” Marking the 2nd anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege”, Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong will be Joint with Justitia Hong Kong to hold a rally in memorial of the incident and we would like to make use of art displays in this event to explain to the local community the the impact of this incident caused to Hongkongers, why hongkongers lost their trust in Hong Kong police force along side with reason behind why we continue fighting against the totalitarian government and the downfall of Hong Kong. Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong 将于「大学保卫战」事件2周年的日子联同暖气军师撑香港一同协办集会活动,并希望借着是次集会活动向英国当地市民解释香港人渐渐对香港警察更加不满的原因,并且解释香港抗争运动的原因,坚持的信念和理由。 Details as below 活动详情如下: Date 日期: 21 November 2021 (Sun) Time 时间: 1400-1600 Venue 地点: Church street, Liverpool Source: IG @liverpoolstandswithhk #liverpool #hongkonger #freedomfighter #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #liverpoolstandswithhk #battleofcuhk #siegeofpolyu #理大围城 #抗争两年


Thank you for your support at the Rally for the 2nd Anniversary

Thank you for your support at the Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege” on Sunday. Apart from that, we would also like to express our gratitude to our Co-host, Justitia Hong Kong, @justitiahk so that we could ensure a smooth preparation for this event. Without your all we will not be able to hold this event successfully. 十分感激与Liverpool stands with Hong Kong协办的「暖气军师撑香港」以及是次「大学保卫战」2周年利物浦集会的参与者,协助提升香港关注度,并带来是次活动的成功。 Source: IG @liverpoolstandswithhk #liverpool #hongkonger #freedomfighter #fightforfreedom #battleofcuhk #siegeofpolyu #standwithhongkong #liverpoolstandswithhk

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