· 游戏Title:#韩老师的课后指导
· 游戏Title:#韩老师的课后指导 · 类型:#互动SLG · 工作室:#A-GUI · 下载地址:Windows * 注:搭配他们家的飞机杯使用,效果更佳 · 其他: - 来自MukoAoi打包上传 - 未设置解压密码 · 故事介绍: 游戏讲述韩老师被委托担任一名问题学生的家庭教师 二人在朝夕相处之下因而产生了超越师生的情愫 韩老师对于教职有满腔的热忱,抱着只要愿意倾听学生的需求 并且耐心的沟通,就能够改变学生的想法 某天在一位家长的邀约下,接下了一份家庭教师的工作 等待她的则是一位无法面对校园生活的问题学生 The game tells the story of a teacher, Han, who is entrusted to be a tutor to a troubled student The two people get along with each other day and night and thus have a feeling of surpassing the teachers and students Ms. Han has a passion for teaching, and she is willing to listen to her students'needs And patient communication can change a student's mind One day, at the invitation of a parent, he took a job as a governess Waiting for her is a problem student who can not face campus life

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