Welcome to XRP APES
Welcome to XRP APES XRP APES is the all-encompassing crypto ecosystem that brings XRP rewards and anti-whale mechanisms together to deliver you comfortably to the moon! XRP APES 是包罗万象的加密生态系统,将XRP奖励和反鲸鱼机制结合在一起,将您舒适地送上月球! -Coin Gecko on process -CMC soon -We are here all week in this telegram pinned post !! -influencer tweets :Fabri crypto and his wife -New dashboard soon which will show XRP rewards im real rime. -looking at partnerships soon -Soon a special sneak peak coming of something that is very impressive. -我们整个星期都在这个电报固定的帖子中!! - 影响者推文:Fabri crypto 和他的妻子 - 很快就会有新的仪表板,它将显示 XRP 奖励的真实时间。 - 尽快寻找合作伙伴 -很快就会出现一个非常令人印象深刻的特殊潜行高峰。 Total Supply: 100 T 总供应: 100T 50% burn 50 T circulating supply 100% Locked liquidity 100% 锁定流动性 AUTO XRP Reward every hour. 自动 XRP 每小时奖励一次。 Transaction Tax 5% Marketing Wallet 5%营销钱包 7% XRP for holders 7% 用于持有人的 XRP 3% Liquidity 3% 流动性 10 BNB Initial LP 10 BNB初始LP https://xrpapes.club https://t.me/XRPapescoinBSC https://twitter.com/xrpapes?s=21 https://www.facebook.com/XRPAPECoin/ : https://t.me/Xrp_Apes_China

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