#小菲投稿 #寻夫之路 #刘伟飞
#小菲投稿 #寻夫之路 #刘伟飞 I just want to get the contact information of my child's father or family, because his daughter is growing up and always mentions his father. To be honest, when she looks at his father, my heart is really broken and I can't do anything. Due to legitimate reasons, neither of us is in touch now. I hope someone can help me. 翻译:我只想得到我孩子父亲或家人的联系方式,因为他的女儿正在成长,总是提到他的父亲,说实话,当她看着他的父亲时,我的心真的碎了,我什么也做不了。 由于正当理由,我们俩现在都没有联系。我希望有人能帮助我。 如果有人认识他,请告诉我他的联系方式或他的家人。我真的想为了我们的女儿和他联系一下 点击订阅《全网华人曝光吧》 https://t.me/QWHRBGB 欢迎投稿爆料:@Nezha000000

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