
翻着手机,总是想给你发消息,闭上眼睛,满脑子都是你。 我不想推开你,这一辈子都不想,你也休想挣脱出去。 Turn over your cell phone, always want to send you a message, close your eyes, full of you. I don't want to push you away, I don't want to do it all my life, you want to break free. #壁纸系列 #



Because of you, I am willing to be a better person. I don't want

Because of you, I am willing to be a better person. I don't want to be your burden, so I work hard just to prove that I am enough to match you. 因为你,我愿意成为更好的人,我不想成为你的包袱,因此我发奋努力,只为证明,我足以与你相配。 #英文短句#服装设计


#网友投稿 Dear Carla, I miss you so much.

#网友投稿 Dear Carla, I miss you so much. Where did you go? Didn’t we agree in Singapore that after taking your boyfriend’s money, we would get married? How am I any worse than your ex-boyfriend? When your boyfriend was cheating on you, I was there for you at The Rise during your most vulnerable time. Didn’t you say that being with me was more enjoyable than being with him? Your ex-boyfriend is too oldhe could be your father. I’m young, handsome, and tall. How am I not better than him? He has money, but so do I. Please come back to me soon, or I will expose our intimate videos. You took so much money from me for your nose and breast surgeries because I loved you. I don’t want to argue with you about it, but don’t make me angry or impatient. I’m giving you two months to shut down your business with your boyfriend and come back to me. Otherwise, I will release our intimate videos. If you are sure you want to leave me, that’s fine. Just return the money you borrowed from me. Otherwise, I will report you to the Philippine government. 亲爱的Carla 我好想你 你跑去哪里了?我们在新加坡不是说好,拿了你男朋友的钱我们一起结婚吗? 我哪里比你前男友差了? 你男朋友去偷吃,我陪你在the rise 度过你最脆弱的时候,你不是说:跟我做爱比跟你男朋友开心吗? 你前男朋友年纪太大了,都可以当你爸爸,我年轻又帅又高,那一点不比他好? 他有钱我也有钱啊。赶快回来找我吧,不然我要曝光我们做爱视频。 你跟我拿了那么多钱去做鼻子跟做胸部,因为我爱你啊。我不想跟你计较。但是你不要让我生气没耐心。我给你两个月时间赶紧把你跟你男朋友生意关掉,回来找我,不然我要曝光我们做爱视频。 如果你确定要离开我也没关系,请还我你跟我借的钱,不然我就跟菲律宾政府举报你


9. 在无数个失眠的晚上,相信会有很多人,习惯性的闭上眼睛,安静的想念一个人,想念一张脸。

9. 在无数个失眠的晚上,相信会有很多人,习惯性的闭上眼睛,安静的想念一个人,想念一张脸。 10.你之所以感到孤独,并不是没有人关心你,而是你在乎的那个人没有关心你。 11. 有人问,如果看不到确定的未来,还要不要付出?我只能说,并不是每一种付出都是在追寻结果。有时,在付出的路上,能够收获的是,清楚地看到了,自己想要的或者不想要的,这又何尝不是一种宝贵的结果。命运会厚待温柔多情的人,好过冷漠的一颗心。 12. 忘记一个人为什么要一辈子,因为你根本没有试着去忘记,而是一直在怀念,在期待,在做梦。

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