To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人,但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界



You have to understand that no one may know, and even notice how

You have to understand that no one may know, and even notice how much effort you have put into it. It doesn't matter, because from the beginning, it's not for others, but for yourself. 你得明白,可能没有人会知道,甚至注意到你付出了多大的努力,这没关系,因为从一开始,这就不是为了别人,而是为了自己。 #英文短句#华伦天奴晚宴


There is no one in the world can only rely on their own strength

There is no one in the world can only rely on their own strength to achieve success, behind the success must be a lot of people consciously or unconsciously to help you, you should always be grateful to them. 世界上没有一个人是只靠自己一个人的力量就可以达到成功的,成功的背后一定有许多人在有意或无意识地帮助你,你要永远感激他们。 #头像


There is no one in the world can only rely on their own strength

There is no one in the world can only rely on their own strength to achieve success, behind the success must be a lot of people consciously or unconsciously to help you, you should always be grateful to them. 世界上没有一个人是只靠自己一个人的力量就可以达到成功的,成功的背后一定有许多人在有意或无意识地帮助你,你要永远感激他们。 #头像


May you walk all over the mountains and seas and feel that the w

May you walk all over the mountains and seas and feel that the world is worth it. 愿你踏遍山海 觉得人间值得。 #朋友圈背景


Hong Kong used to be one of the freest cities in the WORLD.

Hong Kong used to be one of the freest cities in the WORLD. But in recent years, that has all changed. The brutal Chinese government’s goal is to bring Hong Kong under its TOTAL control. We must support Hongkongers and their struggle for freedom. by #EnesKanter twitter @EnesKanter #FreeHongKong #FreedomShoes #光复香港 #NBA #SayNotToChina #StandWithHongKong #波士顿塞尔特人 #BostonCeltics


What do you wish for Christmas?

What do you wish for Christmas? 今年圣诞,你有咩愿望? Posted by @standwithhk_ «After all these years, it just seems like being happy is very hard to come by.» 「经过呢几年,要开心好似好奢侈噉。」 «My friend is in prison. I hope they won’t have to spend Christmas alone next year.» 「我朋友坐紧监,希望佢下年唔使孤单噉过圣诞。」 «Many of my friends are leaving the city for good, even those who don’t want to.» 「个个都移民,唔想走都走咗。」 It is not easy to live through the dark times. 喺黑暗时代之下,好好生活落去,的确唔容易。 But we can make it a bit easier by caring for our loved ones and each one around us. 惟有珍惜身旁亲友,好好扶持每一个人。 May peace and freedom be to Hongkongers in every corner of the world. 希望世界每个角落嘅香港人,得享自由,圣诞平安。 #香港人平安 #Christmas #毋忘在囚人士 #圣诞快乐 #暴政必亡 #公义必彰

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