微笑和咆哮A smile and a snarl
A smile and a snarl
A day after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a brief informal talk on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, Xi upbraided Trudeau, complaining that everything the leaders had discussed was leaked to the media. "That’s not appropriate," Xi said. "If there is sincerity on your part, we can conduct very good communications based on mutual respect. Otherwise, what might happen is hard to say." Xi's 10 years as China's top leader has fostered a blunt approach to the world known as "wolf warrior" diplomacy.
报导: @rfacantonese
Artist: #变态辣椒漫画
#中加关系 #杜鲁多 #习近平 #战狼外交 #支共祸患 #evilCCP #TakeDownCCP #NeverTrustCCP