PM Modi interacts with Chinese president Xi Jinping at Welcoming

PM Modi interacts with Chinese president Xi Jinping at Welcoming Dinner and Cultural Performance G20 Indonesia, Bali #G20Indonesia #G20Summit #Bali



Indian PM Modi meets Chinese President Xi in Bali at G20 summit

Indian PM Modi meets Chinese President Xi in Bali at G20 summit #印度 总理 莫迪 在 G20 峰会 巴厘岛 会见中国国家主席 #习近平


ViuTV News | News Bulletin at 7pm (15.11.2023)

ViuTV News | News Bulletin at 7pm (15.11.2023) #两岸国际 President Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco for talks with U.S. President Biden and to attend the APEC summit. (11/15/18:47)


微笑和咆哮⁣A smile and a snarl⁣

微笑和咆哮⁣ A smile and a snarl⁣ ⁣ 在中国与加拿大在G20峰会期间进行非正式闭门会面的翌日,习近平当面指责杜鲁多泄露两人对话内容予传媒,过程被加国记者拍下并在网上曝光。习近平指将谈话内容告诉报纸「不合适」,应用「互相尊重的态度来进行很好的沟通,否则这个结果就不好说了」。习近平执政十年以来,助长了「战狼外交」的兴起。⁣ ⁣ A day after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a brief informal talk on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, Xi upbraided Trudeau, complaining that everything the leaders had discussed was leaked to the media. "That’s not appropriate," Xi said. "If there is sincerity on your part, we can conduct very good communications based on mutual respect. Otherwise, what might happen is hard to say." Xi's 10 years as China's top leader has fostered a blunt approach to the world known as "wolf warrior" diplomacy.⁣ ⁣ 报导: @rfacantonese Artist: #变态辣椒漫画 ⁣ #中加关系 #杜鲁多 #习近平 #战狼外交 #支共祸患 #evilCCP #TakeDownCCP #NeverTrustCCP


HAPPY "小年xiǎo nián"- The Little Year: traditionally Chinese hous

HAPPY "小年xiǎo nián"- The Little Year: traditionally Chinese households present gifts to the God of Kitchen "灶王爷" before he ascends to heaven to report our deeds in the previous year - we eat/present sweets to encourage good words 甜言蜜语 CandyRed envelope.


回到未来⁣Back to the future⁣

回到未来⁣ Back to the future⁣ ⁣ 带领中国共产党召开第20届全国代表大会的习近平主席,是自从毛泽东之后中国最有权势的人物。习近平十年前开展执政时的愿景是「中华民族伟大复兴」愿景,这些年亦看到中国的军事实力和全球经济影响力呈现倍数的扩张。但是习近平也更改了中共的党章,允许自己获得前所未有的第三个任期基本上有效地终身执政。中国恢复到强人统治,使国内的镇压和国外的敌对关系又回到了更早的时代。⁣ ⁣ Communist Party General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping heads into the 20th National Congress of the CCP as the most powerful leader of China since Mao Zedong. Xi came to power 10 years ago touting his vision for the "Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" and the decade saw China's military power and global economic clout multiply. But Xi also changed CCP rules to allow himself an unprecedented third termeffectively ruling for lifeand China's reversion to strongman rule has brought back repression at home and hostile relations abroad that hark back to an earlier era.⁣ Artist: @remonwangxt Credit: @rfacantonese #二十大 #中共极权 #习帝 #支共祸患 #NeverTrustCCP #共匪 #共贼 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光


中国吁G20推动经济治理改革 提升新兴市场话语权

中国吁G20推动经济治理改革 提升新兴市场话语权 中国常驻联合国副代表戴兵呼吁二十国集团(G20)推动全球经济治理改革,提升发展中国家话语权。 据新华社报道,戴兵星期二(3月12日)在纽约联合国总部举行的G20工作吹风会上说,当前世界经济复苏乏力,全球性挑战层出不穷。中方期待G20重温成立初心、弘扬伙伴精神、加强团结合作,推动世界经济强劲、可持续、包容和平衡增长。 戴兵说,中方对今年G20合作有以下几点期望,一是将发展置于合作优先位置。中方愿同各方加强减贫、粮食安全、消除不平等等领域合作,为加快落实2030年可持续发展议程注入动力。 他续说,二是开展宏观经济政策合作。G20成员要加强宏观经济政策协调,筑牢全球金融安全网,有效防范经济金融风险。要努力做大全球市场,共同维护产业链供应链稳定畅通,推动建设开放型世界经济,为世界经济增长创造有利环境。 戴兵指出,三是挖掘数字经济潜力。G20成员应继续推动高质量数字互联互通,弥合数字鸿沟,营造开放、包容、非歧视的数字经济环境。四是继续推进全球经济治理改革。布雷顿森林机构治理应反映世界经济格局变化,提升新兴市场和发展中国家代表性和话语权。 他说,中方祝贺巴西接任G20轮值主席国。中方愿同各方共同努力,支持巴西举办一届成功的G20峰会,为世界经济复苏和全球繁荣发展作出贡献。 2024年3月13日 10:03 PM

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