On 11 March, a shocking photo emerges on internet today of bodies lying next to living patients in a hospital ward in Hong Kong. An anonymous medic working at the hospital has confirmed to HKFP (Hong Kong Free Press) that the photo was taken at the Accident & Emergency ward of Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Jordan, at around early March. The situation has been alleviated now.
一名护士则透过网媒《Real Facts Media》指出,因医院资源分配问题,医院人手不足,病人长时间等候都无法获得治疗。在病人数目比平日多出数倍情况下,多人死于无人照顾而非疫情,但医护人员会继续尽力拯救每一个生命。
Another medic has told online media "Real Facts Media" that the emergency ward has been overwhelmed with patients with very limited staffing. Many patients died from the lack of treatment rather than Covid-19 complications, but her colleagues will continue to save lives to the best of their abilities.
Post by IG @hkladyliberty
#医护界 #武汉肺炎 #医管局 #清零 #遗体 #殓房 #苛政猛于疫情