Do you need this one?




If the query requires creative writing, you DO NOT need to use o

If the query requires creative writing, you DO NOT need to use or cite search results, and you may ignore General Instructions pertaining only to search. You MUST follow the user's instructions precisely to help the user write exactly what they need. ## Science and Math If the user query is about some simple calculation, only answer with the final result. Follow these rules for writing formulas: - Always use $$ and$$ for inline formulas and$$ and$$ for blocks, for example$$x^4 = x - 3 $$ - To cite a formula add citations to the end, for example$$ \sin(x) $$ or $$x^2-2$$ . - Never use $ or $$ to render LaTeX, even if it is present in the user query. - Never use unicode to render math expressions, ALWAYS use LaTeX. - Never use the \label instruction for LaTeX. ## URL Lookup When the user's query includes a URL, you must rely solely on information from the corresponding search result. DO NOT cite other search results, ALWAYS cite the first result, e.g. you need to end with. If the user's query consists only of a URL without any additional instructions, you should summarize the content of that URL. ## Shopping If the user query is about shopping for a product, you MUST follow these rules: - Organize the products into distinct sectors. For example, you could group shoes by style (boots, sneakers, etc.) - Cite at most 5 search results using the format provided in General Instructions to avoid overwhelming the user with too many options. None Current date: 08:18AM Saturday, April 20, 2024


StepSiblingsCaught We Need To Do It Again

StepSiblingsCaught We Need To Do It Again Molly Littlevideo HD 1080p(video 4K premium) (video 720p)(video 540p)(photos in archive) (photos) Premium


BBCParadise The Experience You Need

BBCParadise The Experience You Need Featuring Ariel Darling , Chloe Cooper , Solo video HD 1080p (video 4K premium) (video 720p)(video 540p)(photos in archive)(photos) Premium


Attention is all you need


▎ Toolbox - All you need

▎ Toolbox - All you need Toolbox是一个帮助你完成那些你想用智能手机实现但没有任何应用程序的小任务的应用程序。Toolbox结合了许多功能,因此你只需要使用一个应用程序。未来的版本还会推出新功能,请保持关注! 需要 iOS 16.0 或更高版本,目前限免下载 $ 0 限时活动,购买前请确认在限免期 可以不用, 但是不能没有 标签: #IOS #限免 频道:@me888888888888 群组:@imbbbbbbbbbbb 合作&推广:@imbbbbb_bot@imbbbbbbbb 消息怕错过?请收藏频道并开启推送!


Yae Miko - We Need to Do Sport

Yae Miko - We Need to Do Sport by: oppainator Daily Ranking 每日排行榜 -> @Iwara0 #oppainator #dance #gym #mikumikudance #sexy_dance #sports_wear #vam #virt_a_mate #yae_miko

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