艾米·马科斯批评弟弟小马"治国无方" 担忧国家未来
艾米·马科斯批评弟弟小马"治国无方" 担忧国家未来
Amy Marcos criticizes her younger brother Xiao Ma for "ruling the country poorly" and worries about the future of the country
据投资银行家退休人士Leo Alejandrino透露,菲律宾参议员艾米·马科斯(Imee Marcos)对其弟弟、现任总统小马科斯的治国方式表达了严重担忧。
According to Leo Alejandrino, a retired investment banker, Philippine Senator Imee Marcos has expressed serious concerns about the way his brother and current President Marcos Jr. governs the country.
In a phone conversation with Alejandrino, Amy expressed concerns about the country's future as a result of China's increased aggression in the South China Sea and the way her brother is governed.
据报道,议员和商界人士也有类似的担忧,但他们不敢违抗总统一家,尤其是总统的妻子、第一夫人丽莎·阿拉内塔-马科斯(Liza Araneta-Marcos)。商业大亨担心税务局可能会审查他们的商业和税务记录,因此选择将资金转移出国。
Lawmakers and business people reportedly have similar concerns, but they dare not defy the president's family, especially his wife, first lady Liza Araneta-Marcos. Business tycoons fear the tax office may scrutinize their business and tax records and so choose to move their money out of the country.
According to Alejandrino, Amy is terrified that a potential conflict in the South China Sea could lead to an open war with China.
PS: Any business family can rule the Philippines. This is very Filipino (absurd)