Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is the father
Hello I’m asking for help I’m looking this man he is the father of my unborn child he abandoned me and he wants me to abortion the child my mother won’t allowed to have abortion and now I’m asking for her support even he give me money to my give birth justI hope you can help me he ignore me and I can’t contact him 你好,我正在寻求帮助,我正在寻找这个男人,他是我未出生孩子的父亲,他抛弃了我,他要我堕胎,我母亲不允许堕胎,现在我请求她的支持即使他给我钱生孩子只是我希望你能帮助我他不理我我无法联系他 https://t.me/MeiGuiSheQuA 【 投稿爆料 】商务专线:@MeiGui890

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