#菲妹投稿 Please help me expose this shameless girl, an expat withou
#菲妹投稿 Please help me expose this shameless girl, an expat without a passport who stole money. This is to remind everyone not to hire her. She is a Malaysian Chinese girl named Nana/Grace. Aside from stealing, she also took a computer with no intention of paying for it. I hope the authorities catch her, as she is staying illegally in the Philippines, together with her husband, who also uses drugs. 请大家帮忙曝光这个无耻的女孩一名没有护照的外籍人士,她偷了钱。提醒大家不要雇佣她。她是马来西亚华人,名字叫 Nana/Grace。除了偷窃,她还拿走了一台电脑,却没有打算付款。希望当局能抓住她,因为她与她的丈夫一起在菲律宾非法居留,而她的丈夫也在吸毒 【 】商务专线:@MeiGui890

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