和 5ber.eSIM 打起来了
和 5ber.eSIM 打起来了
#eSIM.me #5ber
12/26/23更新:在上 5ber 的宣传帖子里回复指控 5ber 抄袭他们产品:
… We are not your competitors, you simply stole our intellectual property. You don't have your own factory, you simply purchases our cards to be manufactured by ECP factory. This can be simply verified by the certificate itself on the Cards. No matter what nonsense you claim here.
And yes, the 5ber Cards are then best, simply because they are theCards, just with a different branding …
… We will go after each buyer of an 5ber card and will demand by law enforcement to confiscate the cards …
还在其官网上将向移动运营商披露抄袭卡的所有 eID,以将这些 eID 列入黑名单,防止接收新的 eSIM 配置文件下载,并强制作废其中的所有 eSIM 配置文件。我们认为您应该了解购买抄袭卡的后果,这是公平的!
… We will disclose to the mobile operators all eIDs of plagiarism cards and will enforce all eSIM profiles delivered to those cards to be invalidated.
We will also disclose those eIDs to the SM-DP+ Providers serving eSIM profiles, to black list those eIDs from receiving new eSIM profile downloads.
So users of plagiarism cards would loose all the eSIM profiles already downloaded on their plagiarism cards and would not be able to download new ones.
… We think it is fair that you should be aware about the consequences of buying plagiarism cards!
5ber.eSIM这些指控是荒谬的,5ber 拥有自己的工厂和供应链,拥有完全独立的知识产品,符合GSMA的安全规范和认证标准
... We have our own factory and supply chain ... we own full completely independent knowledge products and comply with GSMA's security specifications and certification standards ...
相关: eSIM.me | 5ber | 对比
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