浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:“The Bloody Hundredth” is a new documentary that honors the real-life heroes of the 100th Bomb Group. Produced by Playtone-Amblin and narrated by Tom Hanks, the hour-long documentary spotlights the true stories of several characters and real-life airmen featured in “Masters of the Air.” From the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of VE Day, “The Bloody Hundredth” is a record of what was endured and achieved by a group of young Americans when their country and the world needed them most. 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/2d50bb567033 大小:11GB 标签:#纪录片 #浴血百战 #猪儿虫 #quark 频道:@yunpanshare 群组:@yunpangroup



浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:“The Bloody Hundredth” is a new documentary that honors the real-life heroes of the 100th Bomb Group. Produced by Playtone-Amblin and narrated by Tom Hanks, the hour-long documentary spotlights the true stories of several characters and real-life airmen featured in “Masters of the Air.” From the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of VE Day, “The Bloody Hundredth” is a record of what was endured and achieved by a group of young Americans when their country and the world needed them most. 链接: 大小:11GB 标签:#纪录片 #浴血百战 来自:雷锋 频道:@Aliyundrive_Share_Channel 群组:@alyd_g 投稿:@AliYunPanBot


资源浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

资源浴血百战 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 资源简介:“The Bloody Hundredth” is a new documentary that honors the real-life heroes of the 100th Bomb Group. Produced by Playtone-Amblin and narrated by Tom Hanks, the hour-long documentary spotlights the true stories of several characters and real-life airmen featured in “Masters of the Air.” From the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of VE Day, “The Bloody Hundredth” is a record of what was endured and achieved by a group of young Americans when their country and the world needed them most. 链接:【阿里云盘】点击获取 关键词:#纪录片 #浴血百战 低价会员 • 云盘投稿 • 云盘搜索


血腥一百 The Bloody Hundredth (2024)

血腥一百 The Bloody Hundredth (2024) 描述:“The Bloody Hundredth” is a new documentary that honors the real-life heroes of the 100th Bomb Group. Produced by Playtone-Amblin and narrated by Tom Hanks, the hour-long documentary spotlights the true stories of several characters and real-life airmen featured in “Masters of the Air.” From the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of VE Day, “The Bloody Hundredth” is a record of what was endured and achieved by a group of young Americans when their country and the world needed them most. 链接:https://www.alipan.com/s/Rjm99SGJHHc 大小:11GB 标签:#纪录片 #浴血百战 来自:雷锋 版权:版权反馈/DMCA 频道:@shareAliyun 群组:@aliyundriveShare 投稿:@aliyun_share_bot


老虎 (2024) 4K HDR & Dv 中字内嵌字幕

老虎 (2024) 4K HDR & Dv 中字内嵌字幕 描述:印度丛林深处,揭开一位母亲的踪迹。四个崽活了三只,还是好好给养大到了一岁。 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/4f6d93893ce5 大小:9.2GB 标签:#老虎 #纪录片 #猪儿虫 #quark 频道:@yunpanshare 群组:@yunpangroup


银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

银元之路 (2023) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:A Black family in North Carolina battles decades of harassment by land developers trying to seize their waterfront property, in this searing documentary by Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro). 链接:https://www.alipan.com/s/zbCVXoMydsA 大小:10.6GB 标签:#纪录片 #银元之路 来自:雷锋 版权:版权反馈/DMCA 频道:@shareAliyun 群组:@aliyundriveShare 投稿:@aliyun_share_bot


加菲猫家族 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕

加菲猫家族 (2024) 4K HDR 中字内嵌字幕 描述:加菲猫(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 配音),这只全球闻名、厌恶星期一、对千层面情有独钟的宅猫,正准备开启一段疯狂的户外奇遇!在与他失散多年的亲生猫爸不羁的流浪猫维克(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 配音)意外重聚后,加菲猫和他的狗狗伙伴欧迪被迫告别了安逸舒适的生活,卷入了一场搞笑又充满刺激的大冒险,而一直娇生惯养的加菲猫,将在这次冒险之旅中蜕变成为上天入地的“猫猫特工”,带着家族直面挑战、化解危机。 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/3039aca2e22d 大小:17.2GB 标签:#喜剧 #动作 #奇幻 #加菲猫家族 #猪儿虫 #quark 频道:@yunpanshare 群组:@yunpangroup

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