Love has different meanings for everyone. For me, it is you.

Love has different meanings for everyone. For me, it is you. 爱,对每个人都有不同的意义,对我来说,就是你呀。 #英文短句#居家#日常动态



When I’m fall in love with you.

When I’m fall in love with you. U~hohoho~ 将来一定好聪明 将来一定系伟大嘅音乐演奏家 Designer IG @white.eyes.dailys #比卡超 #钦点特首 #一人之竞 #永续港共极权 #交齐功课 #少女杀手 #pikachu


If it can't bring you love, calm and positive energy, then stop

If it can't bring you love, calm and positive energy, then stop participating. It's that simple. 如果它不能给你带来爱、平静、正能量,那就停止参与,就这么简单。 #英文短句#法国餐厅


Please don't be afraid to tell me anything you think. No matter

Please don't be afraid to tell me anything you think. No matter what happens, I will be by your side, and I will always listen to you. 请不要害怕告诉我你的任何想法,无论发生什么我都会在你身边,我会永远听你诉说。 #英文短句#欧美户外 (2)


There are four things in life that can change you, love, music,

There are four things in life that can change you, love, music, words, and loss. The first three things make you hopeful. Please allow the last thing to make you brave. 生活中有四件事情可以改变你,爱、音乐、文字,和失去,前三件事让你心生希望,请允许最后一件事使你变得勇敢。 #英文短句#女性人设#马术


You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but beca

You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you. 你经常感到疲惫,并非因为你做了太多事情,而是那些能够点燃你内心的事情做的太少了。 #英文短句#币安交流会


If you don't love me anymore, don't lie to me that you love me,

If you don't love me anymore, don't lie to me that you love me, don't pretend to love me, don't pretend that you love me 投稿:杨小玉

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