I like humble and confident people. They have a soft heart and a
I like humble and confident people. They have a soft heart and a firm bottom line. They are grateful for everything they have and always pursue more. They can disagree with you but still respect your views and support you. They are clear about their own value, but they will not be self-righteous or look down on others. 我喜欢谦逊并充满自信的人,拥有柔软的内心和坚定的底线,对所拥有的一切心存感激并始终追求更多,可以与你意见相左但仍然会尊重你的观点并支持你,清楚自己的价值,却不自以为是或看不起他人。 #英文短句#好友聚会#女性人设

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